Hareton's Characters In Wuthering Heights

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Wuthering Heights is a classic novel that despite its age, still holds relevance in the world of literature. As I was reading the book, I was often left astonished by the characters. They were portrayed in a way that they would leave you wondering whether their actions were wrong or right. In reality, all human beings are prone to be fallible. However, the one thing that does set us apart is the aftermath of those mistakes. To begin with, the characters have relatable traits which can be applied to everyday life. The obstacles these characters face are ones that I have been able to compare with my own life. For example, Hindley’s personality and actions toward Heathcliff are viewed as cruel and unfair, but yet I had to read between …show more content…

With his father being a drunk and hostile man, Hareton never experienced what it was like to have a fatherly figure. And after the passing of Hindley, Hareton was forced to live the life of a servant, a younger version of Heathcliff. Heathcliff brought the anger and revenge he wanted for Hindley on his son instead. Despite Hareton’s upbringing and lack of parental love and guidance, he was still had a lot of tolerance and was a forgiving character. I relate to Hareton due to the fact that he is the prime example that anyone can overcome any obstacle they may be going through. Even when I have no control of a situation, I make the best out of the situation. Hareton found a way to let go of his anger, fall in love, and become someone who he actually liked when he saw his reflection in the mirror. Let’s never forget that just because we are in a hard situation right now in life, it does not mean we will always be in a hard …show more content…

Isabella’s downfall was when she married Heathcliff. She did not approve of the man he was, and she grew to be a cruel woman. Eventually, she grows to hate Heathcliff with every fiber in her. Isabella’s character was hard to like, she was vile and rude. But some aspects of her personality, like her wittiness and sarcasm, is something that is usually found endearing. I relate to Isabella in the sense that I myself can be very sarcastic and witty. Isabella may have used her rudeness and her sarcastic personality as a defense mechanism to protect her from getting hurt. She had high expectations for Heathercliff which is something I always do. I tend to expect highly of anyone but I have to learn to accept the fact that everyone is learning and growing just like I am, and it is nearly impossible for everyone to live up to my expectations.
In conclusion, a lot of the characters in Wuthering Heights were flawed but taught me a lesson in life. They taught me how to be open minded because a great thing can come out of a horrible thing. In life, we all go through a metaphorical tunnel. There is light and darkness in us but we just have to always remember that the darkness is temporary and once we’re out that tunnel, life is more sustainable. The love story between Catherine and Heathcliff was tragic, but the satisfaction came when they were buried together, and they will stay together

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