Hardware And Peripheral Components

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Task 1.2 Explain the hardware, software and peripheral components of a computer system and the functional relation between these components.

Hardware refers to tangible objects like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, power supply and system unit (graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips). The motherboard store many components (microprocessor, RAM, controller…) and connect every other equipment. The microprocessor is the brain of the computer also known as CPU (Central Processing Unit) and will process the calculations and instructions of the computer.

The CPU deals with each instruction as follow; first the instruction will be found in the memory, the instruction will then be …show more content…

The pages and the ink are the hardware, while the words, sentences, paragraphs, and the overall meaning are the software. A computer without software is like a book full of blank pages -- you need software to make the computer useful just as you need words to make a book meaningful. (Anon., 2012).
Computer software is available in different forms and types and can be classified into three categories.

1. System software:
It is the most important component for running a system or computer. Also known as operating system it helps start a computer and works as a main platform in order to run any application. One of the most popular operating system is Microsoft 's OS (Anon., 2014).

2. Application software :
It is a set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specific application. Application software such as word processor or web browser depends on system software to execute different tasks using computer. For example, User will be unable to surf on internet without Internet browser software. The Internet browser will be unable to read the page without an operating system software as the browser would not be able to run on the computer. (Anon., …show more content…

For example, most printers can 't do much on their own, and they only become functional when connected to a computer system. Peripheral devices depend on the computer system. (Zandbergen, n.d.)
Peripheral devices fall into three general categories:
1. Input devices, such as Joysticks and digital cameras (COMPUTER HOPE, 2013)
2. Output devices, such as a speaker and a 3D printer (COMPUTER HOPE, 2013)
3. Storage devices, such as a hard drive or USB flash drive and refer to any hardware capable of holding information (COMPUTER HOPE, 2013)
Some devices fall into more than one category. Consider a CD-ROM drive; you can use it to read data or music (input), and you can use it to write data to a CD (output).
Peripheral devices are not essential for the function of the computer. For example, a printer can be disconnected and the computer will keep on working just fine. However, remove the monitor of a desktop computer and it becomes pretty much useless.


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