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What does success mean to you
My definition of success is
My definition of success is
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When I was growing up, I was told to hurry up and work hard to be successful. At a young age, I interpreted that success was to make money. Only when I am wealthy I will truly understand what success is, happiness. As I got older I realized that success has many different interpretations and it differs from one person to another. Success to me is a feeling rather than an event or series of events. One sole event does not amount to success. Even when I have achieved something, there is always going to be something more. The drive to be successful will always be there and success is more of a feeling when reaching different tiers of goals. In reaching those tiers, I believe you get a sense of happiness and relief in knowing you are moving in …show more content…
To strive for something that is important to whoever is directed to. Another definition of success is “the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status.” In a world, we live in many want to be famous or just known for doing something. For some people, they might feel their happiest when they have wealth. Money is the main concern for some people. To some, it is a necessity for anyone who is trying to succeed in life. Many believe that the only way to succeed is to have a lot of money. However, this is not universally true and is consequently not a true measure of success. The word success takes in different forms. Many people have different interpretations of what success means. I was able to gather different aspects of what success means from interviews. I asked twenty-five people of different sex, ethnicities, and ages for their definition of success. I was actually surprised many did not talk about wealth. I assumed people would associate success with wealth. The information I gathered was surprising because almost everyone associated success with happiness. Anything that would make them happy would help them feel
Success can be an extremely broad subject. There is an abounding amount of different views on what the “true” definition of success is. Personally, I believe that success is finding happiness. Success is waking up in the morning and not having to worry about whether or not the bills are going to be paid this month. Success is having a job that you enjoy going to every day. Success is having friends and family who love and support you. Success does not mean that one has to be exceedingly rich or have a lakeside mansion. As long as they are happy, they have succeeded in life.
Success has a different meaning for every person on Earth. The majority of people define success as an individual’s “attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence” (Success). In accordance with the rest of society, Malcolm Gladwell defines success as an individual’s accumulation of “a predictable and powerful set of circumstances and opportunities” given by the environment to help a person succeed in the business world (Gladwell 155). Advantages come in the forms of birth dates, learning styles, work ethics, demographic luck, and job needs. Similarly, opportunities given by the environment circulate around a person’s ability to complete “ten thousand hours… of greatness” (41). Before reading Gladwell’s book “Outliers: The Story of Success”, I would have complied with society’s and Gladwell’s
What does success mean to you? I think the idea of success is affected by the social system. In America and Hong Kong, which are capitalistic societies affected by the American Dream, success means money and fame. In other societies, success might have different meanings. Some people said money and fame is the true meaning of success, but I think that the true meaning of success is to follow the interest of your own and being good at it, but not money and fame. Overemphasizing on these two factors can only lead to negative effects. Therefore I think the definition of success in capitalistic countries should not be focused on money and fame, because it restricts people from following their real dreams.
Success is not earning a fat juicy check at the end of each month, or being a part of a large social group filled with fraudulent people that appear as familiar faces. But it is a person discovering him or herself after they had been lost and establishing a sense of purpose that makes them fills them with a warm glowing sense of accomplishment. Success does not have one transparent definition, it has various meanings depending on what success means to the individual trying to achieve it. Success is surviving.
Success is within the mind of the individual. A large portion of ones life is spent working to become successful. People are told throughout childhood to work hard so they can grow up and make lots of money. But success takes many different forms. Different people have different interpretations of what success means to them. For some, success is measured by social status and wealth; for others success is determined only by the amount of happiness one feels.
Success only truly comes with being happy. Happiness and success are the accomplices of one another. Someone cannot have accompanies without the other. Happiness brings success, and success brings even more happiness. Success, in the dictionary, is defined as the achievement of something desired planned or attempted. Therefore, success cannot be judged by anyone than oneself. It is a personal thing. It is the realization of goals, desires or plans made by one 's self. It is not measurable and yet is something we always use to compare others or appraise someone 's worth. Success, in one form or another, is something that someone should always be striving for. For some people it is something they will do subconsciously, and for others it will be something they will constantly labor for. Because success is something that is different for everyone, it is best that they measure their personal success by their sense of self worth instead of others. To have succeeded is to have lived, as someone wanted; ' it is to have lived well and laughed
Ever since the times of the BC era, wealth had defined success (Definition of Success). A wealthy person of those times would be looked at as a superior being, they would be someone you’d show respect for. They were successful. Although that's the definition of success back then, does it mean something different now? Like every human being, and every past structure of society, the word evolves with time because society's’ values change. The definition of the word “success” was often considered as the achievement of wealth, but now it has become modernized to fit into today's society. Today, success is thought as an individual doing what makes them happy in life, generally doing their best, or even contributing positive things to the world to make it a better place (What does success mean).
According to Webster dictionary the word Happiness in defined as Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People when they think of happiness, they think about having to good feeling inside. There are many types of happiness, which are expressed in many ways. Happiness is something that you can't just get it comes form your soul. Happiness is can be changed through many things that happen in our every day live.
Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, said in his book “Nichomachean Ethics” that "happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the aim and end of human existence." (Aristotle). He means that happiness is a central purpose of human life. It is true when we all wish to be happy. However, when we are asked what happiness is, we cannot define happiness in a general concept because it means something different to each individual person. For example, for one person, happiness is a sense of satisfaction from success in career, whereas for others, it may be a feeling of being loved by other people. Meanwhile, philosophers indicate that happiness has two senses. The first one is psychological sense related to a state of mind (Haybron). The other sense
Happiness - What is happiness? Probably, this is one of the most difficult concepts. The meaning of happiness cannot be reached in treasures of gold and silver, because they are more precious than gold and silver. Everyone knows happiness by his desires, outlook on life, and the lifestyle. For example, people think that happiness is when you understand, or when you have money.
What do we really know about happiness? Can we study it? Are we born with it? Can we make ourselves happier? Who’s happy and who’s not, and why? What makes us happy? Researchers are learning more and more about the answers to these questions.
Until people learn how to differentiate the idea of success and being successful, they will continue to strive for success in order to feel the euphoria. Once people learn how to be happy in every aspect of their life, success will be part of their morals, therefore it will no longer be part of peoples goals but they live. Surround yourself with happiness and you will be happy. Soon you find that success is not what makes you happy. Success is just the feeling after you become happy with yourself. A smile is contagious and so is happiness. People will soon find that the key to success is being happy.
Happiness, what is it, and why do we strive to achieve it so persistently? Happiness in some points of view is portrayed as the state that is derived from self-awareness of a benefiting action or moment taking place. What of the moments that are not beneficial? Can a person still find moments of happiness and success in discord, a little glimmer of light shining from the deep recesses of our own consciousness? Plucking it from a mere moment, achieved from money, or is it so much more, happiness is the precipice that all strive to gain to better perceive their success. As a person lives, they are in a constant struggle to be happy. For instance, even the United States Constitution makes reference to the idea that every person has the inalienable right to pursue happiness. This was the resulting outcome of the enlightenment from France, spilling out into the rest of the world from 1650 through 1800. This revolutionized the idea that every single person has the inalienable right to happiness or in different views the right to succeed. As to how one peruses or conjures their happiness that is an entirely different concept and completely up to their preferred preference, but it is something that a person needs to find on their own for true success.
Success, by definition, it means to achieve a goal or purpose. To some, success might be popularity, or even getting a raise at their job; but to me, success is more about how you live. At first this statement might confuse a person, but then if one digs deeper into this response they’ll find something greater. This “something greater” is certainly not anything materialistic, rather someone’s spiritual faith and their happiness in what they do.
Success is something we all wish to achieve and even though we have different definitions of success, we all want to success in different aspects of our lives. For some success, success is attaining an education, others it's getting a good job, for others it's being wealthy, and others to start and own a business while for others it's having a family of our own and seeing our children prosper. We all have different metrics of measuring success and we all have different goals, but it is part of human instinct to want success, to want to succeed in everything we do no matter how small or big. Success gives us a feeling of development and growth, a sense of gratification that we are no longer where we used to be, but rather