Hantaro Nagaoka Biography

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Hantaro Nagaoka was born in 1865 and died in 1950. Hantaro Nagaoka was famous for making the Saturnian model and stating that J. J.Thomson's model of an atom was incorrect and that the electron was actually located on the outside of the atom. The following paragraphs show and tell about hantaro Nagaoka’s life. How he became famous and how a small summary of his life.
Hantaro Nagaoka was born in Omura,Nagasaki Prefecture Japan in 1865. He was a physicist and a pioneer of Japanese physics in the Meiji Period. The electron was actually located on the outside of the atom. Hantaro was educated at the Department of Physics at the Tokyo University. After graduating in 1887 he worked with a visiting British physicist ,Cargill Gilston Knott, on magnetism. In 1893 he traveled to Europe, where he continued his work at the universities in Berlin, Munich, and Vienna. He also attended, in 1900, the First in Paris, where he heard Marie Curies Lecture on radioactivity which aroused his interest in atom physics at Tokyo university till 1925. After his retirement he was appointed as a scientist in REKON, and also served as the first president of Osaka University.
Physicist in the 1900 first started to consider the structure of atoms. The recent discovery of J. J. Thomson of the negatively charged electron implied that a neutral atom must also contain an opposite positive charge. In 1903 Thomson had suggested that the atom was a sphere of uniform positive electrification , with electrons scattered across it like plum in an pudding. (Later known as the Plum Pudding Model)
Nagaoka rejected Thomson's model on the ground that opposite charges are impenetrable. He proposed an alternative model in which a positively charged center...

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