Hands-on and Kinesthetic Activities for Teaching Phonological Awareness

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The article “Hands-on and Kinesthetic Activities for Teaching Phonological Awareness” is the study of language being composed of sounds and sounds that can be manipulated. Phonics is one of the primary building blocks of reading and learning. Phonics teaches children to listen more carefully to the sounds that make up each word. The study was performed in two before school programs, both with students in primary grades. The study contained 1 object box and 5 environmental print card games. The environmental game cards consisted of the Stepping Stone Game, Syllabication Object box, Vowel-Change Word Family, The Four-Letter Long Vowel Silent-e Words, and Sorting Words by Vowel Sound Game. This article I chose to write about was written by Audrey C. Rule, Jolene Dockstader, and Roger A. Stewart. The article provided 3 table graphs, 5 examples of Phonics Games, and 6 pages of the data collected to better account for how the experiment played out. This article was published in the Early Childhood Education Journal, which really proved to me that it was an excellent way to learn more about Hands- on Learning and Kinesthetic Activities.
The article “ Hands-on and Kinesthetic Activities for Teaching Phonological Awareness”, gives a very well detailed overview on the teaching study done between Phonological Awareness and Phonics instruction and how they take different forms from vocal and visual methods. These techniques emphasized schoolbooks and computer games to multi-sensory approaches that emphasize hands- on activities and manipulative. Teachers have a variety of methods supported by research to teach these important skills. This study was done by using 2 before school programs, one focusing on Kinesthetic Activities that r...

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... the same. Some students need more time than others.
As a Proactive Educator, I would engage in a lot more hands-on learning activities. Not only because they are entertaining and enjoyable, but also because the students would get to be involved with helping one another in the class. By doing more hands on learning in my class, it would make it a more educational learning environment, and hopefully would keep all the students working at the same pace. I will incorporate as many hands on activities I can possibly imagine, to better the young minds of my young students. I would adore knowing that all my students look forward to coming to school because they enjoy my classes, and want to learn what I have to instruct. My ambition is to put my best foot forward; to find more hands on learning activities, and make school and learning a better and more enjoyable place.

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