Hand Arthritis Research Paper

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Arthritis in the hand or wrists is common, but can be very debilitating. We use our hands for the vast majority of our daily living activities, from washing and dressing to more intricate tasks such as typing or threading a needle. When the joints in the hand and the digits are affected by arthritis, day to day living can be very difficult.

What causes hand arthritis?

Osteoarthritis is one of the main causes of hand arthritis. The hands and wrists are made up of many small bones and joints, which interact with each other to provide the range of motion needed. The joints are protected by a layer of cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber and provides a smooth surface for the bones of the joints to glide over easily. However, over time cartilage …show more content…

However, this can cause swelling within the joint, and reduce motion.

An injury to the hand or wrist, such as a fracture or dislocation, can make the joints more susceptible to arthritis, especially if the surface or the joint has been damaged.

Hand arthritis can also occur as the result of disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which affects the whole body, so it is likely that other joints will also be affected, and other symptoms, such as fever, fatigue and general stiffness, may also be …show more content…

Sensations of pain may be present constantly, not just when the hands are in use. Swelling of the affected joints is likely to occur, which can make them appear larger, and the area may be red and appear warm to the touch. The motion and use of the joints is likely to be affected, and daily living tasks will become increasingly more difficult.

Crepitus may be experienced; crepitus is the grating or clicking sensation experienced by the damaged cartilage surfaces rubbing against each other. If the end finger joints are affected, small cysts can develop.

If rheumatoid arthritis is the cause, subcutaneous nodules can develop under the skin and can be accompanied by joint damage and deformity.

Arthritis caused by osteoarthritis can be diagnosed by X-ray or bone scans if the disease is in the early stages. Rheumatoid arthritis can generally be detected by blood tests.


There are a range of treatments available for hand arthritis, consisting of non surgical or surgical options.

Non surgical treatments work by relieving pain and inflammation, and preventing further deterioration of the joints. Anti-inflammatory medications are likely to be

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