Hamlet And Lion King Similarities

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Have you ever wondered what the difference and similarities between Hamlet and The Lion King are? No you haven’t, but it doesn’t hurt to know some random information. Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, Is about the death of a king and how it takes its toll on everyone else. It’s a story about betrayal and murder. The Lion King is loosely based on this play. It’s about a king who was murdered and how that affects all of his people and how his son must avenge him. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Disney’s The Lion King are similar because of how both Scar and Claudius die and are different because of how the old kings were murdered. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Disney’s The Lion King are similar because both Claudius and Scar get killed …show more content…

When Hamlet is talking to his father's ghost, Act one, scene five, he learns the truth and details of the late king’s death. Which was that he was poisoned and murdered by his own brother. When explaining his death, the old kings say “foul and most unnatural murder” (I.v.25). This concludes what Hamlet had thought to begin with, his father was murdered. However, in The Lion King the death of the old king is very different.Mufasa (equivalent to Old Hamlet) was still murdered by his brother Scar, but he was thrown off a cliff into a herd of animals. Mufasa was under the impression that his son, Simba, had been in trouble because he was in the middle of the herd of animals. When he saves Simba, he tries to scale a cliff, but needs help from his brother. Instead of pulling him up Scar pushes him off, his final words to Mufasa were iconically “Long live the king”. This example shows that although the Old Kings both die by the hand of their brothers they are killed differently. In the play The king is killed by poison and in the movie the king is thrown off a cliff. Because of the largely different death sequences for the Old Kings, Hamlet and The Lion King are

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