Hamlet And Fortinbras Foil

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In Hamlet, which was written by William Shakespeare, the author reveals more and more about Hamlet and Fortinbras as you delve into their thoughts and actions. The two men have similar circumstance and feelings, yet go about dealing with them differently. One man brings peace and one brings chaos. After comparing and contrasting the two men, Fortinbras proves to be Hamlet’s best foil since the reader ultimately learn more about Hamlet than meets the eye.
Hamlet and Fortinbras have much more in common than one may think. Concerning the death’s of their fathers, Hamlet’s father was murdered by his own brother, Hamlet’s uncle, and Fortinbras’ father was slain by Hamlet’s father, which resulted in Fortinbras’s uncle criminally taking the …show more content…

The Ghost replied “’The serpent that did sting thy father's life…Now wears his crown’” (Act 1 scene V). The statement simply means “Your uncle.” Similarly, the King talks about Fortinbras and says, “’Now follows that you know young Fortinbras holding a weak supposal of our worth... importing the surrender of those lands lost by his father’” (Act 1 Scene II). Also, both men were the rightful heirs to the throne but they were robbed of that right. This made both Hamlet and Fortinbras angry and bitter. Hamlet’s goal throughout the entire story was to get revenge on his uncle. At one point Hamlet exclaims, “’ O! From this time forth, my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!” (Act 4 Scene 4). Hamlet feels so strongly about avenging his father’s death that he will meditate solely on killing his uncle. Likewise, Fortinbras feels the need to retaliate his …show more content…

An example of this is the way the two men go about avenging their father’s deaths. Fortinbras is in a fiery rage about his father’s death and will do almost anything to bring justice to it. Horatio comments “’ Now, sir, young Fortinbras, Of unimprovèd mettle hot and full…’” ( Act 1 Scene 1). Fortinbras’ fury is visible and apparent. Hamlet, however, does much of his ranting and raging inwardly or privately. One of the most famous lines in history, “’ To be or not to be, that is the question…” is Hamlet talking to himself about how to avenge his father, and if it’s really worth it. Moreover, Fortinbras has no doubt in his mind that this is the right thing to do. Fortinbras’ “’ …mettle hot and full …’” ” ( Act 1 Scene 1) causes him to act quickly and avenge his father’s death almost instantly. Hamlet takes the entire play to avenge his father’s death by killing his uncle. What do these men accomplish after avenging their father’s deaths? Fortinbras lives at the end of the story and brings peace after his mighty attack, while Hamlet ultimately poisons and kills himself, and everybody around him, with his act of “justice.” The differences of Hamlet and Fortinbras brings to light many hidden character traits of

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