Half Siblings Essay

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Something that has become more common in this generation of families is step and half siblings/families, they were rare to come by due to families not separating. Although now families have separated more due to divorce and multiple marriages, and the term half sibling and step families became more common and a well known word. There are lots of input on how families should deal with step siblings and/or half siblings, but those families with the half siblings and step families like to do it their own way. Research has shown that, by doing things their own way, half sibling families become a lot closer with each other, rather than families biologically related. Half siblings can become closer than full siblings because saying your sibling …show more content…

This seems like it would be a factor that would make the siblings fight or not be connected very well, but in reality it can make them closer. Jiggins, T. (Personal communications, May 12, 2015) Said in an interview, "Your father isn 't mine, but we have the same mother and I think that 's helped us bond a little more, since we have to respect the same mother and we 'll have the same rules from her, which make us more related than non." Just by having one parent you can be closer to your half siblings, and have a better relationship with them, because both of you will know what it 's like to have to deal with the same parent and you 'll be able to sympathize different emotions. In a web article a women, Juliet Mitchell (Mitchell 2008, page 1) says this " "In polygamous societies, fathers come and go, and what they call siblings are in reality half-siblings. The only ones that tend to be really intimate are those that share a mother," Having mothers as the common parent tend to make half siblings …show more content…

Jiggins, T. (Personal communications, May 12, 2015) talks about my father and how he helped be a better father, here 's a quote from him, "Gary was a bit bad with my brother and I, but he was a better father to us than our actually father. I would rather call him my father, and just forget about my actual father." Some fathers are good fathers to their children, even if the child is in a step family, it just depends on how they grew up and their aspect on fatherhood. Research has shown that step fathers tend to be better fathers to children who didn 't really have a father, and are able to do things the real father would normally do. For example, walking your step daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, a very emotional and touching moment for a step father and step daughter to do. Blended families have become a lot closer than they have ever been

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