Almost every minivan has the stick-figure family in the bottom left corner on the back window that shows their family. Yet, it seems that every family consist of a father, mother, kids, and maybe a pet or two. One virtually never sees any variation of a ‘family’. The two men with the adopted daughter, the single mother with a handful of kids, and the lone college student with her dog. An image of a family is limited in the current mindset; it is the average family that is seen when the term is spoken, never the true form of family. The idea of what a family is can be wildly debated and may never come to a true agreement, yet the answer lies in front of each individual, if only they are willing to open their mind and grasp the concept. The definition of family is as …show more content…
Sister from another mister. Family does not have to be related. She stays the night once a week, he has a shelf here, and Dad calls him Son, all sentences that are about a friend that might as well be family. Although, they are already family. Family is not genetic. Family is not traced through bloodlines that simply pull out a code of just four different letters in an almost random order. A friend could be next door for years, in the cubical over, across the lab bench, or anywhere else with their comforting and welcoming smile. A friend may mean the world to someone, someone who would give their life for them. A friend that is such a great friend they are loved and trusted so much that someone just can not help but call them family. They come over for holidays, they are next to the hospital bed, and they are in a little black dress with the same tears as the genetic family. Friendship is stronger than the most durable steel that man will ever create and the bond between true friendship is just as unbreakable. A bond like that might as well be family. Family should not be limited to the same patterns in DNA but the love, trust, and care that goes into the
Determining family structure and dynamics as well as defining the family is a complex process. Personally, I come from a very traditional family. Much like the assumptions made by the students in the article Defining Family: Young Adults’ Perceptions of the Parent-Child Bond by Mellisa Holtzman (2008). This is what comes to mind when most people define family; a nuclear family, with married parents, and biological children. However, a family is a complex system and can take on many different forms.
Family, defined by the Online Merriam Webster Dictionary is, “a group of related people including people who lived in the past.” I believed that the wording of this definition is important because of the word related. The Online Merriam Webster Dictionary defines related as “belonging to the same group because of shared characteristics, qualities, etc.” This goes to show that a family does not have to be lineage, heritage, or chromosomes. There are many different types of families, and though many people think of a nuclear family when they think of a family, there are so many more qualities to consider when deciding how to personally define family.
The Labour Government provides ‘Families are the bedrock of our society. They nurture children, help to build strength, resilience and moral values in young people, and provide the love and encouragement that helps them lead fulfilling lives.’ It is difficult to define ‘family’ because different people have different ideas on what a family is. Since many people have many views on what a family is, there is no set definition. The closest thing to a legal definition is a judicial statement that a family is what the ordinary man on the street thinks it (Sefton Holdings ). Traditionally, the word of family refers to a group of persons related to each other by blood or marriage. Over the last 30 years there has been a significant change in the pattern for family such as marriage, co-habitation and divorce.
Relatives do not make the family a whole. I personally feel like relatives are people that connect the family, but I do not think that is what makes a family. Family is made up of people that are incorporated into everyday life and you share close moments with. Family can be made up of close friends because if you feel a trust and a true bond then you want to share your life with them. A true example of that is the story “The Grapes of Wrath” when the family meets the Wilsons. The family decided to greet them into the family because they helped the Joads in a
Ideas and views of families have changed drastically throughout time. Along with these changing views, so have the ideas of why they exist. These changes have been driven socially, politically and culturally that vary based on different ages, races, genders and societies that a person identifies with. To observe how some of these ideas and attitudes have changed over time, I conducted a survey that helped address ideas, feelings and meanings of family.
Family may seem like a simple concept, but there is no simple definition of family. In common words, a family is a group of individuals who share a genetic bond. But in other cases family doesn't only have to share a genetic bond because we have some friends that we consider family. People who live together with a special bond which is love is family. Family stands for responsibility, trust, sacrifice and hope. Family don't just share with you just the happy moments but they're with you through thick and thin. They share laughter, sadness, loss, happiness, and success together. Family structure helps to carry their culture to the next generation. The meaning of family changes with the natural and economic conditions. The real meaning of family is a lot more complicated in today’s world. It's no longer easy in our society.
My neuclear family consists of my mother, father, older brother and twin sister. When raising us, my family did not follow the norms of masculinity or femininity, but was based on an egalitarian relationship. Gender roles were not taught at all in fact, throughout my extended family, males and females are treated the same. The divisions of labor, or separation of tasks, in our household are separated throughout the children, my sister, brother and I. Each of us have different chores to take care of around the house. For example, we have a chore chart and my parents assigned us different chores for the day. Me and my sister do most of the laundry and each individual person has to clean up their own rooms and bathrooms. The power relationships vary among my parents. My dad has all the power financially and my mom has the power of influence. They're weren't any power struggles within the family.
The word “family” is unique, special, and controversial among different cultures and ethnicities. As defined by Random House Western Dictionary, a family is “any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins” ( Although the definition from Random House follows the infamous proverb of, “blood is thicker than water,” my definition of family does not. Family is not defined or restricted by blood relations. In my mind, a family is simply a group of people, who loves, supports, and helps each other unconditionally, and endlessly. Regardless of one’s sexual orientation or preference, all families embody these common principles. Thus, a family unites its members through the strong bonds and kinships formed when people come together. (Great intro.)
The textbook addresses this issue, stating that there is almost too much variety in “family” for it to be properly defined. Another large factor regarding family is something known as, “affiliated kin,” defined as, “unrelated individuals who feel and are treated as if they were relatives.” Affiliated kin can be anyone you treat as though they’re family, although you aren’t related through blood, such as: best friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, pets, teachers, neighbors, and many more. I would say affiliated kin is a gargantuan component as to why family is so difficult to define. I have many close friends that I, along with my family, consider to be a part of our family; even though they aren’t related to us through blood. While reading the text (The Family and Marriage Experience) I discovered that I have a fairly liberal understanding of family. Most people consider a “nuclear” family, the definition of family. A nuclear family is a family consisting of a mother, a father, and children. To take this even further, the
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a family is "a group of two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.” (Eutk). In the beginning, family was considered to be all of the individuals who contributed to the household as far as bringing in money; including servants and non-parental adults, who are also considered part of the family if they play a large role in the upbringing or care-taking of children other than their own. But in fact, over the last few centuries until present day, the institution of the family has completely changed. In the late-18th Century, marriage was considered just a union based on love, but as time passed, there were other financial, social, and political shifts in the United States and in other countries. Throughout our course readings in Gender Studies, we see the ideas of continuity and change in regards to the American family unit. There were multiple factors that influenced the institution of the family unit, including the argument that marriage was seen as a contract of survival, the privatization of marriage, as well as the idea that traditional families never existed.
Family, one word with so many definitions, but what truly defines what a family is? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines family as the following, a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head. I like this definition of family because it says nothing about a family being related by blood, but that they are individuals. Personally think that blood doesn’t make you family, being provided and cared for and properly taken care of and loved makes you family. Not all families are blood related, there’s families that have adopted kids, families that have no kids, families that consist of two people and a pet or two. There is no rule that states all families have to have a mother, father, and children. Every family differs
My definition of family is the people you hold very close to your heart. Once upon a time, I believed that a family consisted of a mother, father, brother, and sister. After my experience working with many types of families, I know there is no such thing as a “normal family”. Family can be the people who you live with or people you see daily. There is not a criterion to be a family member, if your heart feels someone is family then I would not question that.
Interacting with others, in the context of a social institution, is a common phenomenon that takes place every day. Through this socialization, members within society interact and learn about what is expected of them. These social expectations are most commonly communicated through socialization agents, such as the family, media, peers, and religion. To start, the family is one of the social institutions that each individual is born into. By interacting with parents, and maybe even brother and sisters, a baby begins to understand what behavior is and is not normal and expectable. Through the influence of family members and the individual 's interaction with others in society, the individual begins to form his/her own views and beliefs. This view of the family is known as the functionalist theory. When considering whether different age groups agree that it is best for a family if the man is the money maker and the woman takes care of the home and family, it is crucial
There are so many different types of family relationships. Whatever form a family takes; it is an important part of everyone’s life. My family has played an important role in my life. Good family relationships serve as a foundation to interactions with others. Supportive families will help children to thrive. The quality of the family relationship is more important than the size of the family. Making the relationships priority, communication, and providing support for one another is key to developing relationships. Family relationships are what make up our world today; they shape the ways that we see things and the ways that we do things.