Half Life Research Paper

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In the late 20th and early 21st century, there has been a dramatic change in the way technology affects our daily lives. The invention of computers as we know them today, and the evolution of smartphones have allowed for a more globally interconnected world. One of the most fascinating transformations due to these advancements, in my opinion, would have to be the video game industry. Gabe Newell, famously known as Gaben the cofounder of the video game development and digital distribution company Valve Corporation, is a leading example of recent entrepreneurs who have embraced and have even encouraged the growth of computer sciences and computing in general. Newell began his career after dropping out of Harvard University to work for an American …show more content…

After development of Half-Life, Valve further developed the GoldSrc game engine, and later went on to produce a sequel video game to Half-Life. During the development of Half-Life 2, Newell dedicated several months into developing the Steam project which was later released in 2003, just a year before the launch of the anticipated Half Life sequel. Since that time, Newell and the rest of the Valve Corporation expanded the Steam platform to a wider audience across the globe as it transitioned from a Windows only platform to include Linux, Mac, and video game consoles. Valve also ventured into different video game genres after their popular release of Half-Life 2. Now associated with a critically acclaimed and award winning video game company, Newell and Valve began their Portal project – a drastic change from the previous video games. After their Team Fortress 2 release, which was bundled with Portal and known as The Orange Box on release, Valve and Newell continued to garner recognition and awards due to the popularity of the Orange Box compilation video game. The Valve Corporation, now a seasoned video game attention with

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