Hair Oil Industry Case Study

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Hail oil, the one of the beauty regimes is an intrinsic part of Ayurvedic heritage and widely practiced across age groups for nourishing and grooming in India [1]. It provides nourishment for quicker and enhanced growth and also used in disorders of dandruff, hair fall and dryness. Further regular application of hair oil moisturizes the scalp, provides luster & shine to hair, resistant to breakage and also act as a medium to supply essential nutrients to the hair root for their proper growth. The contemporary inventions indicate that different types of chemical shampoo, conditioners, dyes, hair straightening and styling and other accessories applied on hair for cosmaceutics are damaging more than improvement. Hair Care industry approximately have the 8% share in FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods) market in India [2] and among them share of hair oils is close to 50%. The growth rate of hair care industry is also slightly higher (14%) than the industry average of 13.4% [3] and branded hair oil market has grown by 0.7%. Furthermore, annual sales of Kesh king, hair oil brand was and expanding at a compound annual growth rate …show more content…

with a strong believe that these are natural and not harmful. These different Kesh Taila are supposed to offer benefits of nourishment, hair strengthening, faster and better growth and reduce the problem of falling hair. But unfortunately these oils are exploiting general desire of people to keep strong stylish hair by producing adulterated, misbranded and spurious Kesh taila. We here at academics are very much concern about mental, physical, social and economic interests of common citizens. Therefore, we have analyzed critically about all claims of manufacturing companies as well as practitioner which are available to public through electronic and print media in a very attractive

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