Hades Persuasive Essay

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The biggest inaccuracy of Disney's depiction of the epic of Hercules is their portrayal of Hades, god of the underworld. In the film, "Hades is an evil force revolting against the established order(Hercules vs. Heracles)" who is bitter towards his brother Zeus for putting him in the underworld and how busy he is there while the rest of the gods lounge around on Mount Olympus. He crafts an evil plan how he is going to free the Titans from their prison in the deepest part of the underworld so they may unite and attack Zeus and the gods and Hades will be the supreme ruler. In his meeting with the Fates he is told that Hercules is destined to defeat Hades in his plan and Hades quickly makes plans to turn Hercules mortal and kill him to ensure his plan succeeds. At the end of the movie Hercules does defeat Hades who …show more content…

In the movie, The Titans are huge destructive monsters in the form of the four elements (fire, earth, wind and water) as well as the Cyclops who Hades sends to deal with Hercules, whom he blinds once he recovers his strength. Once Hercules defeats the Titans he traps them inside of the tornado and throws them into outer space(Hercules, 1997). The Titans were actually the predecessors of the Pantheon gods and like them also appeared in human-like form. In fact the Titans never stormed the heavens, but the battle scene mirrors when the Giants attacked the heavens in which Hercules fought. The Cyclops was also not an ally of the Titans but was actually an ally of Zeus and aided him in many battles. In fact the Cyclops gave the thunderbolt to Zeus, the trident to Poseidon and the helmet of invisibility to Hades(Greek Mythology Link). The Cyclops was also blinded by Odysseus in Homer's The Odyssey and not Hercules. Lastly, the defeated in Greek Mythology are usually hurled down to the Underworld and not thrown into outer space(Greek Mythology

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