HG Wells – The War Of The Worlds

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HG Wells – The War Of The Worlds

HG Wells uses literacy techniques in The War Of The Worlds to add

tension and create a better more frightening atmosphere. He uses four

main types of literacy techniques that are:

· Juxtaposition

· Pathetic fallacy

· Omniscient viewpoint

· And cliffhangers

The meaning of these are as followed:

· Juxtaposition – this is where two completely different facts are put

next to each other to make a comparison that stands out clearly and

completely changes the atmosphere.

· Pathetic fallacy – this is where the weather matches the mood of

some one.

· Omniscient viewpoint – the author and the reader knows what is going

to happen but the character does not.

· Cliffhanger – this means main things 1. A melodramatic serial in

which each episode ends in suspense. 2. A suspenseful situation

occurring at the end of a chapter, scene, or episode. 3. A contest so

closely matched that the outcome is uncertain until the end.

Examples of these four techniques are found in the HG Wells The War Of

The Worlds. The examples I picked out especially for this work are the

ones I feel are most important and best show what these techniques.

These were picked out of the book.


“And this was the little world in which I had been living in securely

for years, this fiery chaos!”

“About six in the evening, as I sat at tea with my wife in the

summerhouse talking vigorously about the battle that was lowering upon

us, I heard a muffled detonation from the common, and immediately

after a gust of firing”.

“The heavy firing that had broken out while we were driving down

Maybury Hill ceased as abruptly as it began, leaving the evening very

peaceful and ...

... middle of paper ...

...t smite", swiftly means

quick, agile and nimble and smite meaning striking and powerful, which

is constructed to make the Martians look strong and powerful. Wells

also uses a contrasting pair to create a sense of optimism where he

says "This was printed in enormous type on paper so fresh that it was

still wet", which shows optimism in the way that an announcement had

been made to assure the safety in the people of London. A fast pace is

created in this episode by having the city chaotic at one time, but

then an assurance is made that the people will be safe, but some may

not believe that they are safe, which causes great tension in this

episode, and for the next chapter of the book.

This passage describes why the Martian invasion failed, and how the

Martians were destroyed. The atmosphere created in this episode is one

of rising optimism and reflection.

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