Gutter Guards Essay

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Install Gutter Guards And Save Time On Gutter Maintenance

If you want to cut down the amount of time you spend cleaning out your gutters every autumn, then you should install gutter guards on your home. Gutter guards come in different styles, but they all work to keep leaves, twigs, and other large debris out of your gutters. Rain can still seep through, so your gutters work like they should to keep water away from your foundation. Here are a few things to know about putting gutter guards on your home.

Pick The Best Style

Some gutter guards are plastic mesh screens that fit on top of your gutters. Others are made of brushes or sponges that fit inside the gutter troughs. Others are designed with a series of channels that keep out even tiny …show more content…

Cost is another consideration too. You can buy mesh screens inexpensively and install them yourself if you need to save money. However, if you want to pay for professional installation, a contractor can recommend the best guards for your property and install them for you.

DIY Installation

If you choose to buy mesh screens from a home improvement store and install the guards yourself, you'll find it is an easy process as long as you can work on a ladder. The mesh screens come in small sections. One end slides under the last row of shingles on your roof, and the other end snaps onto the far edge of the gutter trough. The plastic screens are thin, flexible, and easy to work with. You can easily cut the screen with scissors if you need to, so the length will fit the gutter.

If you live in an area where you get a lot of storms or strong winds, you may want to secure the screens with screws also so they don't lift off and blow away. However, since they snap into place, they are held secure enough that you may not need to use any screws. If you don't use screws, it makes the screens easier to pop off when it is time to clean your

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