Guns: A Personal Essay: The History Of Guns

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Guns have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was about six years old my dad came home one day and took me into the back yard. He told me he had something for me and that I needed to be vary careful with it. After I agreed to only using it while he was there to make sure I used it safely, he gave me my vary own BB gun. After a quick safety lesson it was time to start shooting, I had even drawn a target onto a cardboard box. After a few years of shooting and a few thousand BB’s later my dad took me out on my grandparents ranch. After a more serious talk about safety he gave me my first real gun. It wasn’t anything special just a little bolt-action .22 caliber rifle but it was a real gun. My collection of guns has grown over the years but I still shoot that .22 rifle to this day. Since I was younger I always wanted a lever action rifle. So when I turned eighteen I started looking to buy one. I though it was going to be simple just find a lever action and buy it, but as soon as I began to search I realized that it was not that simple. I saw that there are multiple different types of guns from all different time periods. I know the basics about guns but I do not know the details of their history. What I would like to find out is who designed the first ever gun, how was it used, and was it affective? I also want to know which guns were used during important parts of history? There are numerous questions for each stage of history for different types of guns. For example when did the U.S. army first start using the flintlock muskets? How were these muskets improved over time? What was the ammunition that they were using in this time period? How was it made and was it difficult to make? What I how to achieve is a... ... middle of paper ... ...arms than I had before. I have always known the basics how to be safe with them and how to shoot them. I never stopped and thought why do my guns shoot every time I pull the trigger or how did they get as accurate as they are? I got to meet people at our local gun shop and become friends with them. I also found out on my last day of research that my father has a 17th century flintlock pistol, that he will pass on to me when he gets older. At first I was scared of this paper and the amount of research that was involved. During my research though I quickly realized that the information was out there I just needed to know where to look. I also learned that a paper as long as this can be easily written if you put a solid effort into it. This paper was an absolute joy for me to write because it was a topic that I love. I have learned so much more than I ever expected.

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