Gun Violence On Campus

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College Campus Safety

Prescription drug abuse is the nation’s fastest growing drug problem. More people die of drug abuse than car accidents which makes it the third leading cause of accidental death. In addition, gun lobby claims that guns on campus will protect students from sexual assault. But the presence of a gun may increase the dangers associated with high rates of rape on campuses. Furthermore, in some instances of campus sexual assault the victim is assaulted because of failure to take proper care of the institution or some member of the campus community. Many campuses have not been able or willing to deal appropriately with the cause of the problem, the offenders or the victims, and the result is increasing numbers of civil …show more content…

Guns can cause more trouble, for example guns can lead to an escalation in violent crime. It also can increase the number of suicides by college students. A study by the Harvard school of public health compared gun suicides with non gun suicides in the 15 states with the highest states of gun ownership with the 6 states with the lowest rates of gun ownership. During the five year period 2001 through 20005 there were approximately four times as many years, suicides in the highest gun ownership states compared to the law gun ownership states. An opposing viewpoint is most college students over the age of twenty one live off campus, allowing concealed carry on college campuses would have very little impact on the ability of college students to possess firearms in th their home. Therefore little to no impact on the overall number of suicide by college students. According to the college board, 40 percent of full time college students lives at public universities and 64 percent at private universities live on campus. The remainder of the students live off campus.Consequently guns, are a dangerous weapon that can be used by students in a harm way. Guns can lead to the increase in suicide and

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