This experiment was conducted to test how different variables will affect the growth of seeds. In this case the seeds used were pinto bean seeds. The Variables that were used were picked out of a group of eleven other variables as these were the ones that made the most sense. The seeds were grown in separate variables. The variables being, cold temperature, indoor sunlight, and finally darkness. The seeds were tested over a two-week period to see how they would react to the different variables that were picked. After the two weeks the results were compared between the Lab group to see how each person’s variables either hindered the seeds or helped them grow. The purpose of this experiment was to describe and test what environmental factors …show more content…
They were then put into a bag and sealed causing the bag to simulate a greenhouse. The seeds were then put into their respective environments to test the variables selected for this experiment. The variables were temperature which the seeds were put in a refrigerator that stayed a consistent 35 degrees. These seeds were tested to see how they would react in a colder environment and whether or not they would be able to grow. The next variable was the seeds were placed in a sunny windowsill. This was tested to see if the seeds could still grow without being outdoors and directly in sunlight. The final variable was darkness. These seeds were placed in a pitch black environment to see if the seeds could still grow without any sort of outside light being able to reach …show more content…
The results show that the original hypothesis is true. Now whilst the seeds in temperature did not grow, the one result that stands out the most is the seeds that were grown in complete darkness. The results were surprising and not as much expected as they were. The seeds in sunlight were going to grow regardless but seeing how the ones in darkness reacted as well as how the ones in the cold reacted, showed that the variables chosen were the correct ones to use. Some other variables that would be interesting to test would be to see how the seeds do when they are hanging from a surface rather than being set down, as well as testing to see how the seeds would react when placed into different soil
Two members of the group were instructed to visit the laboratory each day of the experiment to water and measure the plants (Handout 1). The measurements that were preformed were to be precise and accurate by the group by organizing a standardized way to measure the plants. The plants were measured from the level of the soil, which was flat throughout all the cups, to the tip of the apical meristems. The leaves were not considered. The watering of the plants took place nearly everyday, except for the times the lab was closed. Respective of cup label, the appropriate drop of solution was added to the plant, at the very tip of the apical meristems.
We placed elodea plants into three different beakers and labelled them. Since, we are trying to find how temperature can affect the rate of production of carbon dioxide, we had to place them in different temperatures. So, we labelled the first beaker “Elodea heat” and placed it in a water bath that produced sufficient amount of heat. We labelled the second one “Elodea cool” which was placed in an ice bath filled with ice. The next one “Elodea RT” where the elodea was placed under normal room temperature without any interference. And we named the last one “No Elodea” where we placed no elodea in it and kept the beaker in a dark
Table 1 shows averages of each replicate for each series of seeds relating to mortality rate/germination rate, budding rate, and mean plant weight (total, with buds, and without buds).
We used wheatgrass were 40 wheatgrass seeds, two empty pots, soil, and water. We first added soil for both pots and 20 wheatgrass seeds in each pot. My partner and I decided that we label pot one experiment which is “sugar and water” and pot two control which is “water” only. The experiment was for almost four weeks we had to make sure both get the same room temperature and water, so we can see the results after this amount of time. Both pots had same room temperature so both can have the same amount of sunlight also, the same amount of water which is a glass of water from the sink once a week. In the experiment pot we added a glass of water with one teaspoon of sugar and the control pot glass of water. Every week we used to see both pots grow almost the same. At the end of the experiment, my partner and I measured the length for both plants and we recorded the average for each plant, so we can know the rate of growth
The germinating seeds consumed almost no oxygen throughout the experiment in the 10-degree C water bath. I think that this is because when an organism cools down, all of its cellular functions slow down.
Abstract: Gibberellic acid is a plant hormone that is used to stimulate growth and fasten the germination of plants. When Gibberellic acid used on plants, it produces bigger and fuller leaves following by elongating the stems. This experiment was designed to determine the effect that Gibberellic acid will have on the growth of a seed germination. As performed in class, three types of radish seed were treated with Gibberellic acid to see the effects the acid will have on those three seeds. During the treatment plan, the three seeds received a different amount of acid and water five times a week. For instance, Seed A got approximately 2.5ML of Gibberellin acid, seed B got 5.0ML, and seed C got 10ML, following by seed A getting 17.5ML of water, seed B getting 15.0ML, and seed C obtaining 10ML of water. However, based on this treatment plan, seed A and B showed no growth. While, the seed that consumed more acid, which was Seed C showed rapid growth. In this case, the only possible explanation for this surprising result could be that the Seeds
Every student in a lab section planted eight seeds, two in each cell in a quad, to make sure that we had at least one plant for each week for 4 weeks. After planting the seeds we put the plants on a water mat tray to make
Brassica rapa is a mustard plant that can be found throughout North America, and is common in areas undergoing extreme change, such as changes in climate. There is an important relationship between the ecological and genetic factors that influence the growth of Brassica rapa (Mitchell-Olds 1996). So, the environmental elements, as well as the genetic information, are essential to the growth rate and survival of Brassica rapa. This plant is capable of reproducing quickly, and the root systems are usually quite small, although some Brassica rapa have developed larger root systems (Mitchell-Olds 1996). This plant is commonly used in experiments because of its ability to germinate rapidly. Brassica rapa is capable of sprouting within a stage of about two weeks, and this trait allows scientists to perform experiments in a short period of time.
... not limited to photoselective ones, with plant responses differing, even among cultivars of the same plant (Stamps, 2008). Because it is a relatively new technology concept, it requires further research to demonstrate and elucidate the effects of coloured shade nets. The above experiment is an example of the research that can be undertaken to confirm the effects of light colour on spinach beet cicla cultivation.
Compare the benefits of growing GM seeds for crops with the potential negative consequences of using them.
the effect light has on the growth of pea plants. It will take place in an environment with controlled light, with equal amounts of plants being grown in the light and in the dark. All elements of the experiment other than light will be kept the same, such as amount of seeds in each pot, amount of soil in each pot and amount of water given to each plant each day. This will ensure a fair experiment. Prediction: I predict that in general, the plants grown in the light will grow better than those grown in the dark.
The purpose of the lab was to show the effect of temperature on the rate of
I chose to test the effect light has on plants because it is very interesting to test that light is a very important factor, and as the earth gets hotter it will be interesting to see what will happen at the end while sunlight is important at the moment and is a core ingredient for photosynthesis, it will also be very interesting to see what would happen if the plants had no exposure to sun at all, and if they would adapt.
"Home | American Society of Agronomy." Home | American Society of Agronomy. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. .
This lesson is designed to review and reinforce a few important concepts about plants (e.g. Needs, parts, sequence of planting) and to also guide the students through applying a few scientific inquiry (e.g. Making observations, experimentation, discussion, reflection, reporting results etc.). The students have previously planted corn and bean seeds and today’s lesson has provided the students a chance to see the results of the planted corn and bean seeds. Additionally, seeds have been planted under and growing under the following conditions: without water, and without soil. The students see the results of these seeds planted under these conditions for the past week. Two plants in particular have already been grown their growth has been