Growing Up In A Specific Neighborhood

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Growing up in a specific neighborhood can shape the development of a person’s life. In many different neighborhoods the possibilities of living there can vary in different ways that can affect people in a mental and or physical ways. When living in a neighborhood it can affect the people living there on their lifestyle, emotions, habits, and also their health level status. For one thing, growing up or living in a bad neighborhood, it can cause an effect to your health. In the article Tom Harkin states, “So it affects all of us to have a sick family member, or lose our job, or to be robbed. But when that happens to someone in these neighborhoods, it increases the probability that the person will be diagnosed with a major depressive disorder over the next two years,” (Russell). This statement means that if people live in a bad neighborhood where horrific things happen to them, in a way that will have a negative impact in their …show more content…

When having a college education, those people have the ability to live in a high wage and a better quality of living life while un-college educated people live where it’s affordable. In the article Diamond said, “College-educated workers place a greater emphasis on amenities in choosing which metropolitan area to live in, while non-college educated workers look for affordability,”(Parker). This means that those who worked hard to get their education can afford a lifestyle that is a better quality for all the work they done, while those who are un-college educated people having a struggle in life to afford things they wish they had in life. People who live in a poor or small community where gangs and crimes happen it’s likely possible that they are going to be involved with those people and it can mess up their future and their education, not being able to afford college or a home, and also they won’t be able to get a high paying

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