Growing Up Digital Wired For Distraction Essay

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Could you ever think of a world where all our time went into reading books, socializing, and helping the community instead of constantly being on technology devices? These devices have taken over the world we live in by not allowing us to create time to do these other activities besides constantly being on the internet. Although these technological devices help us in our everyday lives such as writing this paper, connecting with others, there are some negative attributes that technology can apply in life. According to CNN, teens spend 9 hours a day, on average, consuming media. One of the many things that technology keeps us from is reading, this activity can greatly improve our lives by strengthening vocabulary, and for us to relate to characters on a more spiritual level when reading them. Reading has been a passion of mine growing up and I have connected to so many book characters as well as read many books. In Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction, it describes how powerful technology can be to the people using it. This strengthening of vocabulary can help people cooperate more in conversations or even more intelligent conversations because of the vocabulary being used. …show more content…

Although there are many ways to socialize online, the thought of socializing in person is often overlooked due to the internet. Some kids choose to play games on the computer instead of going outside and be fit. According to, “Because of the increasing rates of obesity, unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents”. This statistic can be very dangerous to the first generation and technology in the long run will no help decrease this chance. In the article, it also discusses the danger of too much technology as well as the positives from

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