Greek Mythology Compare And Contrast

518 Words2 Pages

Brian Mueller 7A/P2
Language Arts Compare and Contrast Essay

Copy-Cats and One of a Kinds

Thousands of years ago in places around the world, both the Bible and the Greek myths were created. The Bible was created to help people of all societies and denominations to understand and realize God’s divine nature and his true love for us. On the other hand, the Greek myths were created to promote fear in people, and to force worship from ignorant humans. Both, although are immensely different in many aspects, also share similar and shared characteristics that. To fully understand these groups, you have to compare the similarities of their stories and teachings side by side, and then uncover their differences by sifting through the information that remains like an archeologist.

In this initial section of my compare and contrast essay I will compare how the numbers twelve, three, and seven are important figures in many circumstances in both Greek Mythology and the Bible. Of all of the numbers in Greek Mythology and the Bible, three proves to be the most important of all. In the...

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