What are reeds ?
Gray hair is hair that have become white or gray for a loss of pigmentation. This discoloration of hair due to decreased specific melanin, which is what determines the hair color, among other things . Research conducted in 2009 suggest that the appearance of gray hair is due to the absence of an enzyme (MSR ) that is responsible for reducing hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water) , so that in the absence of this peroxide impairs functions other enzymes , such that stop melanin produced .
Types Canas
Depending on when or how they appear gray hair can distinguish four types of graying :
Physiological senescence or graying , is one that is produced by the natural aging of a person. The first area to be affected is that of the temples , being followed by the back of the head ( to reach full).
Premature graying : is one that occurs before age 20 in Caucasians or before age 30 in blacks . May occur by various factors. In rare cases it can arise from childhood.
Poliosis : it is a graying of character located , ie affects hair tufts in particular , eyebrows or eyelashes. This type of gray usually arise due to a hereditary process. Some dermatologists consider poliosis premature graying .
Annular graying : characterized by discontinuity , since white hairs appear loose and scattered head usually, but can also occur in groups or tufts .
Causes - Why leave the reeds ? causes Canas
As mentioned above the graying (loss of hair coloring ) is produced by the reduction of melanin. But this reduction is due to several factors such as :
1. The passage of time or natural aging. Aging is part of the destiny of human beings, and having late or early graying of our genetics , so that as we age we will be presenting entering cap...
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...irst gray hairs appear in temples because the blood flow is reduced. To get the massage we can go to a spa , hire a person that we do or even do it ourselves.
Avoid excessive heat : It is vital to exercise caution when we use electrical appliances such as irons , dryers or curling irons . In these cases it is best to use a heat protection product and limit its use (in addition to avoid putting the maximum temperature if it is adjustable ) . We can not forget to protect us from direct contact with the sun especially when we're on the beach or in hot areas , since ultraviolet rays can we damage our scalp , so remember to use a sunscreen whenever you go out . Another important factor is to warm the water in the tub , as very hot water can affect hair follicles. d ) Stop smoking . It has been shown that people who smoke have a chance of premature graying four times .
The aging process is defined best as a systematic deterioration of cells through repetitive division over time.
The hair of the scalp is longer and more flexible, while the hair of the eyebrows tends to be short and stiff. Oval shaped hair shafts produce wavy hair, flat hair shafts create curly hair and hair shafts that are perfectly round create straight hair. There are also different types of melanin, a natural compound responsible for the production of color in the eyes, skin and hair. There is yellow, brown and black melanin, each produced by melanocytes located at the follicle base. With age, melanin production decreases, causing greying of hair. (Applegate & Saunders, 2001, pp
The one side of my head – the right side – is full of millions of gray hairs. I've had them
Tanning is a commonly used by Caucasian women to cause their skin tone to darken. Melanin is what gives skin its color. Naturally, when we are exposed to sun, the production of a pigment known as melanin starts which itself acts as a deterrent to the burning effects of ultra violet rays of sun (Pakhare). Some Caucasians find it necessary to tan to increase beauty. It is not necessary to tan to increase beauty.
Humans undergo several stages during their lifetime including growth, development, reproduction and senescence. Senescence is defined as the deteriorative biological changes that organisms experience as they age eventually leading to death. These changes include low metabolism, a weak immune system, memory loss, poor vision and loss of hearing. Senescence begins in humans during their post-reproductive years. However, gerontology research has shown that individuals who reproduce late have longer life spans compared to individuals who reproduce early. Nonetheless, it does not indicate that senescence is inevitable. All organisms experience senescence, but at different rates and time. Many genetic diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease are prevalent in older individuals and the symptoms being to appear in middle adulthood. The causes of genetic diseases and disabilities in older individuals are explained by three evolutionary theories: antagonistic pleiotropy theory, mutation accumulation theory and disposable soma theory. These theories suggest that favorable natural selection and heavy allocation of resources for somatic maintenance during the reproductive period decreases the chances of genetic diseases in younger individuals.
A variety of simple methods that you can use to avoid hair damage are available. When you go to sleep, wear a scarf or cap. You can also use a satin pillowcase to prevent stress to your hair as you turn. After shampooing your hair, ensure that you don’t rub the hair while trying to dry it with a
This meant that over time, humans lost most of their hair on their bodies, leaving their skin exposed. Sweat glands were going to help the body cool down, but they couldn’t protect the skin from harmful UV rays. This is where melanin works its magic, and it’s the reason for the diversity in skin color today. Melanin helps reduce the absorption of wavelengths into the skin (Chaplin, Jablonski, 59).... ...
Albinism happens when one of numerous genes is fault. Each of these genes offers orders for making one of several proteins involved in the making of melanin. This imperfection may outcome in the nonappearance of melanin production or a cheap quantity. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, which are found in your skin and eyes. The amount of coloring varies. Some people gain a little pigmentation in their hair or eyes when aging. Some develop pigmented spots on their skin. A person with total absence of melanin is called an albino. One with only a small amount of melanin is described as albinoid. (What is Albinism by Right Diagnosis April 22, 2014).
In conclusion, melanin production has played a considerably important role in human evolution. Not only does it influence color pigmentation through its protective role of defending against harmful UV rays, but also determines detrimental features such as eye-sight and hearing. Furthermore, melanin production and its evolutionary adaptions mark an important presence upon our biological systems to this day. Therefore, in the process of furthering human evolution, melanin production has played an enormous role in human evolution by selecting for several features that allow for particular adaptions according to the human's geographical location and environment.
how we age, is discovering how to stop it. An intrinsic characteristic of Man is
Aging occurs at the biological, psychological and social levels. With numerous theories of aging spanning over many disciplines, no one is truly certain why we age or how we cope with it. Fortunately, our knowledge of how the body regulates or governs the rate of aging is slowly being demystifyied and we now know more about this process. Activity and disengagement are two major psychosocial theories which describe how people develop in old age.
In an attempt to define ageing one must take in consideration the biophysiological together with the psychosocial aspects; these two aspects are intertwined.
In the body-transcendence versus body-preoccupation stage, one must be able to learn and accept physical changes that happen as we get older, we refer to this as transcendence. If someone is unable to do so, they become preoccupied with the physical deterioration, to the detriment of their personality development. Although the physical capabilities are not the same in the elderly as when they were young, many older people stay regularly fit considering their age. The changes that began in middle adulthood are becoming more unmistakable by the time one finds themselves in late adulthood. The two distinct types of aging are primary aging and secondary aging. Primary aging involves the irreversible changes that occur as people get older due to genetic programming. Secondary aging refers to the changes that are bought on by illnesses and diseases, not increased by age itself. Late adulthood is a very interesting period of life. Since people are now living longer than ever before, late adulthood is increasing in length. Whether we say it starts at 65 or 70 years, the amount of people included in this stage is larger than ever before, due to medicine and technological advances. One of the most obvious signs someone is in late adulthood would be a person’s hair. Most people’s hair become distinctly gray and eventually white, which may thin
Some health concerns come with aging into middle adulthood. Physical changes that one might see is that of gray and thinning hair, wrinkles,
Age can be defined in a number of ways. Before defining this process, it is important to consider that there four approaches to this culturally significant phenomenon. The most straightforward of these is chronological age, which is the number of years old a person is. Your biological age is measured against the change your body experiences physically, and the deteriorating functionality of it. The third way to define age is psychologically. This can be anything from a change in the processes of perception and senses, to how effectively your brain can absorb and comprehend information. Furthermore, your ability to adapt to different circumstances and your personality itself can reflect your physiological age. Finally, the approach that aids the study of the sociology of ageing the most, is approaching the definition of age from a sociological approach. An individual’s sociological age is defined by the social expectations of the elderly. (Openstax College 2012)