Graphic Design Reflection

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To help me picture what it is like being a graphic designer, Sasha described a typical day at her job. At 9:00 am, she arrives at work and checks her emails. She admits to checking her email immediately after waking up, but does not reply to them until she has a chance to sit at her desk. After sending out general replies and follow-up emails, she makes her to-do list for the day. The list varies depending on the day and project; some days she works on reiterations of a graphic that will go on a poster while other days are dominated by meetings with the marketing or social media team. Sasha works on this list, executing as many items as she can until 5:00 pm. In the past, she would force herself to stay at work until the list was finished, …show more content…

I discovered many new specific aspects of her job that will better prepare me for this field. For instance, Sasha emphasized the value of cross-disciplinary courses such as marketing and advertising. In the past, I have not thought about taking these courses, but after learning that they are worthwhile and give me an extra advantage when searching for a job, I will likely consider them more seriously. Similarly, I had never considered how crucial communication skills can be in a graphic design workplace. I knew that designers often create things that communicate to their audience, but I ignored their communication with colleagues and other departments within the company. With Sasha’s help, I now understand that graphic designers need to be extremely effective at listening, speaking, and expressing their ideas, which are skills I will refine before entering this career field. Another piece of useful information I gained from this interview was the Questionnaire, which helps a designer understand a client’s needs, and the Proposal, which details the ways a designer can benefit the company. Since these documents are new to me, I will learn more about them and possibly applying something similar when I begin my own career as designer. With these new insights, my journey to become a graphic designer is now much more focused and propelled in the right

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