The first grant proposal addressed the effects of meditation on life-span cognitional developmental processes. From my understanding, there is a strong connection to the mindset and self-awareness, as one chooses to mediate for their own reason. Based on the informed information, meditation is used to decrease stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The provided background information and predicted research study will help determine the pros and cons of the process, using the meditation techniques. Specific Aim The specific aim for this grant proposal is the design a study, over a six-month period, to examine the effectiveness of healthier psychological functioning and awareness of one’s self. Self-awareness is a big concern as individual’s …show more content…
Understanding the brain and the different signs will help acknowledge the issues within a person to help them cope with the issue. It is important for one to be aware of their selves and their reactions/behaviors. On the other hand, the studies address the different types of mediation and possible consequences. When introducing a specific technique, there are always pros and cons, and people that are for or against the matter. Meditation is known as healing of the body and/or mind and can be religious. Those different types were address and justified for the understanding of the use for the …show more content…
The proposal study will identify the mindfulness of each participant as they go through the training program to analyze their own actions/reactions and behaviors within their selves. To develop an effectiveness meditation program, the study will help maintain the healthy, functional development of a healthy individuals within the sixteen universities. The appropriate study will become beneficial and reliable to evaluate and acknowledge the self-aware and the environment of individuals within the six-month study. Peer Review The second grant proposal addressed the environmental effects on preschool children with ADD/ADHD. It has been discovered that children perform differently within the environment. The school, home, and clinical setting is the most known places to observe preschool children with ADD/ADHD. With the help from literature reviews, the proposal study is expected to identify the effectiveness of the children in each environment. Specific
While the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association) put forth a list of behaviors which predominantly fall in the category of ADD and/or ADHD, many researchers still maintain that there is no set way to diagnosis or develop a treatment program to these disorders which will be guaranteed to work. At the same time there is another set of researchers who maintain that these disorders actually do not exist at all. However, in the real world, parents and educators still continue to struggle with the task of coping with children who are hyperactive and who have very low attention span and whose behavior often interferes with schooling and family life. [Armstrong, 1997]
The study revealed 3 sets of conclusions; there were no marked distinctions among the children of the random group at 7 to 9 years of age; the symptom path as a child gave a prediction of the outcome at the 6 and 8 year follow-up; even with the medication and the behavioral therapy the MTA group was at a lower capacity of functioning than the non-MTA sample at 2 years. What the study showed was that the disparity of the effects of treatment at the time of delivery lessened when the treatment was relaxed (Molina et al., 2011). The introductory clinical appearance of ADHD in childhood that included the worst of ADHD symptoms, any conduct problems, the intellect of the child, any social...
behavioral outcomes of children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Volume 50, Issue April 2008, Pages 347-350. doi: 10.1080/00131880802499803.
ADHD is a disorder that has been on the rise for several years now. The disorder is one that can cause many impairments to a child’s attention span, making it difficult to concentrate and to keep on task, especially on schoolwork. (Graham, 2007) The statistics have been growing ...
Chandler, C. (2011). The Science of ADHD: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. New York:
This book makes parents and guardians aware of the other treatment options available to them and their children for ADD and ADHD. It gives natural and holistic ways to treat it also it tells about different physicians you could make an appointment with for treatment without drugs.
Meditation is an age-old practice that has renewed itself in many different cultures and times. Despite its age, however, there remains a mystery and some ambiguity as to what it is, or even how one performs it. The practice and tradition of meditation dates back thousands of years having appeared in many eastern traditions. Meditation’s ancient roots cloud its origins from being attributed to a sole inventor or religion, though Bon, Hindu, Shinto, Dao, and later, Buddhism are responsible for its development. Its practice has permeated almost all major world religions, but under different names. It has become a practice without borders, influencing millions with its tranquil and healing effects.
Many children who continue to show visible difficulties with attention, impulse control, and excessive activity in the home and school environments are labeled with attention deficit disorder, or ADD (Bigler and Nussbaum 1). ADD is a neurological condition that affects learning and behavior. It affects approximately 5 - 10% of the population. It develops in childhood, and usually is not grown out of (Quinn 2). ADD is characterized by persistent and excessive problems in which a child is unable to focus and pay attention, or conversely displays hyperactive and impulsive behavior (Nicholl and Stordy 4). It has only been recently that ADD has been recognized as a distinct disorder (Bigler and Nussbaum 2).
Our present way of thinking; our perceptions, desires, feelings, and reactions control how we experience the world. Our minds are the core of our existence, everything we have thought is everything that we are, for everything is mind-made. If we are experiencing suffering, it is because our minds created it, and only our minds have the power of relieving it. Buddhist meditation is the practice of transforming the mind through the cultivation of mindfulness, concentration, detachment, insight, and objectivity. My background in psychology made me interested in discussing the concept of Buddhist mediation due its immense focus on mastering the mind. It has the crucial transformative effect on the mind that leads to new perspectives of oneself,
For thousands of years people have practiced mediation for spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Albeit there are many mediation types, in this paper I will be discussing and focusing on mindfulness mediation. Before further exploring mindfulness mediation, it is crucial to define mediation as a whole. Tang, Holzel, & Posner, 2016 state “Meditation can be defined as a form of mental training that aims to improve an individual’s core psychological capacities, such as attentional and emotional capacities” (p.213). Having that in mind, we can dive into mindfulness mediation. Mindfulness meditation is defined as “nonjudgmental attention to present-moment experiences (Tang, Holzel, & Posner, 2016).” A useful analogy to consider is going to the gym, going to the gym allows one to enhance the body, well similarly, practicing mindfulness is akin to taking the mind to the psychic gym, it enhances it. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on your breathing and then bringing your mind’s attention to the present all while dismissing discursive thoughts and maintaining a special focus on breathing.
The studies showed that while meditated, the subjects showed signs of thought processes slowing down and changes occurring in the brain. The purpose of meditation, and mindfulness meditation as mentioned in this course, is to increase awareness while calming the normal thought processes that often overcrowd the mind with ideas that are deemed not-true by Buddhism. These brain scans clearly show that the purpose of meditation is achieved in doing so.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). (2010). Health info. Meditation: An introduction. Retrieved from
REFLECTIVE LOG IMPACT OF ADHD ON CHILD'S LIFE INTRODUCTION The purpose of this work is to provide a reflective log that addresses impact of ADHD on child's life. The aim of a reflective log is to offer insight into personal experiences that have been gained from my own personal experiences, individual academic study and actual practice. The specific psychotherapeutic issue that will be addressed in this reflection is that of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In recent years, the assessment of ADHD has become increasingly important within psychology.
... balance, lowered blood pressure, and calmness. A study at the Ohio State University found that when practicing mediation, just a month exercises, boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumors and viruses (Stephens). As ones consciousness is cleansed of emotionally soaked memories, not only does great freedom flourish, but also great balance. A study at Harvard medical school found that meditation lowered blood pressure by making the body less responsive to stress hormones.
In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is essential that individuals constantly monitor their health. This involves not only physical, but also mental and emotional aspects of the body’s functioning, as they relate to the home, school, work, and leisure environments. If necessary changes are made sooner rather than later, then a stable, balanced and healthy lifestyle will be more consistently maintained. In fact, the World Health Organization says being healthy is feeling that there are few physical or emotional impediments to doing things in your life that you would like. For example, there are many people who are suffering from chronic illnesses who are healthy because they are able to maintain their creativity and vivacity when others cannot. It is evident that self-awareness enc...