Do you ever talk to inanimate objects? Did you ever wonder why?
In the past when you are sure you know something to be true, this book will take what you know and turn it upside down and into something you never expected to be true. This book explains many social concepts that we use on a daily basis: It discusses why we can so easily judge entire races and discriminate them based on one news article. It’s rather simple actually, it’s because we are disconnected from them. We don’t see them on a day to day basis so we don’t realize that they are just like we are, they’re people. This book also explains how to be a better mind reader than you currently are and the statistics behind the research.
I chose this book because I am fascinated by
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How would you react if the person next to you is thinking that the mural is a disgrace and people would paint on walls for everyone to see should be arrested? Wouldn’t you look at that person in shock? I know I would. I haven’t been in this extreme of a situation but I have definitely been on a train riding through a city looking out and looking at all the graffiti when an older couple mentions that graffiti artist shouldn’t be allowed to do what they do. Little secret about my family, my grandpa is that kind of person. In my head, I was shocked that he didn’t feel the same way I did about the art on buildings, but that can easily be due to generation. Epley (2015) argues that people are innately different in how they view the world but people tend to believe that people are convinced that people see the world the same as you or me until proven otherwise.
The author of this book is crazy smart! His name is Nicholas Epley and not only is he a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and published over 50 articles, BUT he was also the winner of the Theoretical Innovation Prize from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology! Dr. Epley is truly a force to recon with in his
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People do things for different reasons so it’s very important to put yourself in their shoes because then and only then, will you be able to feel and think what they feel and think. If I had to sum this book up in one sentence, I would use a quote by Epley that resonated with me so deeply that I read it out loud to my friends, “Galileo may have removed the Earth from the center of the universe, but every person on this planet is still the center of his or her own universe” (Epley,
The power of stereotypes stored in the brain was a daunting thought. This information enlightened me about the misconceptions we carry from our cultural experiences. Also, it startled me that according to (Banaji and Greenwald, 2013) “those who showed high levels of White Preference on the IAT test were also those who are most likely to show racially discriminatory behavior,” (pg. 47). I reflected on this information, and it concerned me that my judgments were simply based on past cultural experiences. This mindbug was impacting my perception of someone before I even had a chance to know him.
Skin colour means nothing but identity. Many people use it to discriminate against others whereas they have equal intelligence and sometimes the person being discriminated upon could be having sharper brains. This book is also written for kids and immigrants to learn more about the past of where they live. I recommend that every person should see the other as a partner but not as superior to the other and that there will not be any discrimination in our society.
Within the impoverished urban streets arose a youth culture captivated by infamy and self-pride. A youth culture virtually undistinguishable from members of modern society with a passion, setting them apart from the community. The members of this underground subculture could be your next-door neighbor, your son or daughter, or the contractor repairing your roof, yet you would have no idea that they strive to “bomb” objects and surfaces found in everyday life. It is the subtle differences that distinguish a graffiti artist from the average member of society, such as their, mindset, desires, speech and active lifestyle.
Many of the stereotypes we encounter and hold today were formed because of events in the past, which were formed to rationalize and justify past social and political agendas. Many of the stereotypes that we now hold today were learned long ago and have been passed from one generation to the next. This book has forever inspired me to believe in the value of each child and discourage racist attitudes wherever I encounter them. Gregory Howard Williams encountered many hurdles growing up and successfully defeated them all. He could have easily confirmed the expectations of his negative peers and developed into a self-fulfilling prophecy, but instead he chose to shun his stereotypes and triumph over incredible odds.
Inside the yard now stands a freshly painted mural, sixty feet wide and twelve feet high. The work is the result of weeks of designing and planning, and with luck it might last as long on the train as it already has on paper. What the boys have done, what has taken place inside that trainyard, is a work of art. [Let us begin with a basic assumption. One may object to graffiti on social or moral grounds, but only in the most conservatist terms can it not be considered “art.” Any idea of art which does not go out of its way to disinclude vandalism will, in fact, contain graffiti. We will, then, put aside social and moral considerations for the duration, and consider graffiti as art.]
These type of studies aim to provide information on how different identities such as race, class, gender, sexual orientation are connected to one another. With this understanding, it can be acknowledged that one can be an oppressor at one point in time but be oppressed at another. These roles are constantly changing, based on a variety of factors. Integrative anti-racism allows a better understanding of these social oppressions.
Feist, J., & Feist, G. J. (2009). Theories of Personality (7th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Equality is defined as being equal in means of status, rights, and opportunities. Inequality is mostly seen between the sexes, races, and also for graffiti artist. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Although these rights remain unalienable, today’s society has become an unjust and unequal one which places people at the top based upon certain characteristics; such as sex, race, or even wealth. We have a statement of this “scale of unfairness” on our very street. The art depicts two scales on one side is the male sex symbol outweighing the female sex symbol which is located
Feist, J., Feist, G. J., & Roberts, T. A. (2009). Theories of personality. New York:
Graffiti has been around for centuries. It can be seen on buildings, cars, and anything that can be painted with a spray can. Since graffiti came to exist, there has been much debate on whether it is an art form or an illegal activity. While it has been banned and deemed illegal all over the world, it still persists in today’s society. Along with the controversy that comes with graffiti, many commonly known stereotypes are apparent within the act of graffiti. Stereotypically, graffiti is seen as an urban act done by younger people. Typically, since this act is considered illegal, it is mostly done in the middle of the night, and the people partaking are usually wearing dark or black clothes. The picture, “LATA 65 IS A CREATIVE
Looking from the taggers' point of view, one can understand why taggers and graffiti artists draw and do graffiti, but this does not justify the fact that often times this form of self-expression is not acceptable when it is done on other peoples property. Having the opportunity to listen (film, class, talk show) to why taggers and graf...
Schultz, D.P. & Schultz, S.E. (2009). Theories of Personality, Ninth Edition. US: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
This brings attention to why race and ethnicity exist so predominantly in society. There are a number of theories that observe why racism, prejudice, and discri...
Humans are social beings, we want to know and to be known as well as we desire to be understood and be heard by other people. Therefore we choose different ways to express ourselves and make our statements. Graffiti is one of the main uncurbed ways to do it which makes it one of the most discussed topics. While some people consider it as art some people call it just “stain” or “vandalism”. Leonard Kriegel emphasizes his negative thoughts and experiences in his article titled “Tunnel Notes of a New Yorker”. However because of he had traumatic childhood memory, he is being too emotional and personal in his article. For this reason he loses his credibility in his words. Although I think that graffiti is a way to express ourselves freely and it includes artistic value it is undeniable that respectively it affects society and environment in a negative way, it violates the law, and cause the decline of the urban civility.