Graduation Day

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Graduation was an important day in my eyes. This was the day that I graduated from Loch Raven high school. As the day approach me I began to have thoughts of my future after the high school which was to continue my education at Morgan State University. On May 31, 2013 was the beginning of the first step of building a career for my future. This would be the day that I would graduate from Loch Raven High School and receive my diploma. Our school would have the honors of being the first of many schools to have a graduation at the brand new Towson Arena. As the day arrived I was eager to receive my diploma, and begin my college career. When the time came I had to start getting ready. I had to put on a purple gown along with a purple cap. I hated wearing the gown because it was so long that it came down almost to my feet, also it was too wide, and nasty fabrics smell to it. When I was done dressing myself I began leaving out the door just to be hit by surprise of how hot it was. With it being hot the inside of my car was also hot ; in conclusion you can feel a burst of hot air circulat...

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