Government Censor Online Information Essay

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Should the government be able to censor online information? If so, when would this be appropriate? Why or why not?
As a free speech fundamentalist, I strongly oppose government censoring online information. A just government has no need to restrict the free flow of accurate information. Censorship is often associated with tyrannies: Red Star in North Korea is a mandatory operating system that surveills the populace. Further, a free society permits even offensive and obscene websites (say a racist webpage, for example). Once the government has authority over what we can and cannot say online, our free speech becomes restricted based solely upon how good the government is.
It is important to distinguish speech from action; in section 1.1., …show more content…

The book succinctly states my opinions on antispam laws: you may have the right to talk, but that does not oblige anyone to listen. As long as all spam is sent out using legitimate means (e.g. not hacking into other people’s computers and using them to send spam), then I see no ethical dilemma with spamming people. Conversely, there’s nothing wrong with blocking spam, either.
I believe that as long as antispam laws distinguish between the means and ends of spam, they’re fine. You should not imprison someone for advertising using email. That being said, if the spam contains scams or viruses, or if the spam is being sent out using dubious means, then the problem isn’t one of free speech but rather of fraud and hacking, which should be illegal.
Should online anonymity be legally protected? Why or why not?
In my opinion, online anonymity is neither a negative nor positive right, but a service provided by an application. Bar a court order or warrant, I oppose government deliberately breaching of privacy or anonymity software on grounds of the Fourth Amendment. Nevertheless, if an anonymous poster does illegal things online, I am perfectly fine with the government getting a warrant and attempting to determine their

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