Gothic Elements In Salem's Lot

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The book Salem’s Lot by Stephen King is an exceptionally crafted gothic literary piece! It continuously keeps the reader on the edge of their seat while keeping them fully immersed within the story! The book is set in 1975 starting in a small town in maine that is overrun by vampiric monsters. King uses Gothic Literary elements like Gloomy decaying setting, Supernatural beings, monsters, and phantoms, Heroes, and Intense Emotions to round out the story and create a bond between the reader and the text. King had an amazing talent for describing the landscape, he gave the Marsten house the perfect feeling of darkness and evil that i had portrayed among the town. He is able to establish a baseline between the readers depiction of the house itself and how he wants it to be seen. It is clear that he wants the reader to believe that the Marsten house is the stereotypical haunted mansion, but it is so much more than that. “...where those trees rose against the sky, the peaked, gabled roof of the Marsten House. He gazed …show more content…

Whether it be a relationship, fear, anxiety, or happiness he has the power to shift the overall feel of the book. And it is clear that reading Salem’s lot brings out the real fear! From the start of the hunt for Barlow a strong hatred is created between him and Ben, especially due to the murder and transformation of Susan (Bens sweetheart) that really pushes him over the edge. “...Trembling, Ben let the letter fall to the table. He looked at the others. Mark stood with his hands clenched into a fist…” From this passage it is clear to see the anger, frustration, and downright hatred that the group feels towards Barlow. They have all been to Hell and back, and with Barlow constantly taunting them on every decision they make, or every person they lose, it's amazing that none of them went insane! This kind of hatred can only be created after a long trail of pain, suffering, and

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