Google Vs Bing

749 Words2 Pages

Much like fast-food or entertainment, our modern world has access to tools for the nearly instant obtaining of information: search engines. But as with any service in today’s free market, there must be competition between two or more companies offering similar assets; in this case, Google’s search engine and Microsoft’s Bing. How do they compare to each other? Which delivers better results? Are there any distinguishing factors for one not common to the other? These questions are among many in the comparison between the two search engines. Through analyzing and weighing each option for Internet searches, one will be able to correctly determine which medium has greater value to the online community.
Anyone who has used both Google and Bing extensively will be able to tell that there are a vast number of similarities between the two. The narrow search box in the middle of the screen is just the beginning of the list, for both also have sources for images, videos, news articles, etc. in their list of services. However, the two differ in how they deliver search results. According to Bethany Bey’s article “Understanding the Difference Between Google and Bing Match Types”, in an ambiguous search, Google will bring up a broad range of results – the most popular being on top – while Bing will tend to find sites containing the phrase exactly as it is in the search bar. Google seems to be the better option here, because for the most part, people will not enter phrases concerning exactly what they’re looking for on a search engine, but rather a broader one that will return varying web pages. The same article also states that advertisements will be delivered in the same way – Google being much less strict on phrasing. As for negative keyword...

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...nd of results will be delivered, and it is clear that the return from Google far outweighs that of Bing and should be the predominant personal preference among most Internet users.

Works Cited

Bey, Bethany. “Understanding the Difference Between Google and Bing Match Types.”
Paid Search Marketing. 05 April 2011. 27 March 2014.
Brodzky, Christine. “Differences Between Google and Bing Search Engines.” Penton Marketing Services. 20 September 2012. 28 March 2014. google-bing-search-engines-3042
Sterling, Greg. “Over 19 Billion Searches In July…” Digital Marketing. 14 August 2013. 29 March 2014. google-and-bing-both-up-169767

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