Good Morning, Vietnam

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The film ‘Good Morning, Vietnam' is made based on a true story. Set in Saigon in 1965, the movie introduces us to Adrian Cronauer (Robin Williams), an Air Force disc jockey who has been flown in from another assignment to a post at the center of the escalating conflict in Vietnam. The character is based on a real deejay who ran afoul of the military authorities in Saigon because of the on-air liberties he took with regard to matters of style and language and musical taste.

At the beginning part of the movie, it appears that the movie will be a comedic style. Cronauner he plays his radio station in an anarchic way. He has made fun of the political figures, even the president at that time, and even the weather. His style and music he plays has given the armies laughs and good time, while as the same time he antagonizes his immediate supervisors.

As the movie goes along further, the film introduces a Vietnamese girl Trinh that he fall in love with. Try to hook up with her, he has made friends with her brother Tuan, and teaches the English class that she was in. The movie at this point has embrace in some love comedy factors in it. Like his unique radio hosting style, he does not teach like the others but using American style and more often cuss languages. It might seem facially riotously funny, but in the deeper sense, I can not take the way that he portrayed the American people. It is more than just to give them funny lectures of learning the language but it shows how Cronauner feels about the American people which I disagree with. People around the world cuss not just the Americans. Simply he could have other methods or tactics to teach the class. No means of having him to teach how good Americans are, but still no need to make fun of Americans to get other people's approval.

As Cronauner tries to win Trinh's heart, he befriends with her brother Tuan. They often hang out together. Cronauner even fight for him to get Tuan into a bar with usually only open to the Americans. The friendship between them saves Cronauner's life twice from the bombing of the restaurant to the rescue him from the jungle. While later Cronauner found out Tuan is one of the young boys that fought for the opposite side of American troops, Cronauner felt that he was betrayed by him.

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