Golf Psychology

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Many great golf players use golf psychology to help them win major tournaments. They knew they were very talented, but needed to score a little bit better and become more consistent to achieve an elite level. Buying more expensive equipment was not the secret and neither was practicing to the point of sheer exhaustion. It has to do with the proven scientific discipline of psychology and changing your way of thinking. It helps you over come the pressure associated with tournament play and coping with a constant barrage of questions from fans and the media. It only takes a short time to change your thinking so you can start winning.


When my golf game was not improving regardless of how much I practiced, I decided to use one of the golf psychology programs I had seen advertised on the Internet. It is amazing how each minute detail is broken down and analyzed. Swinging the golf club is broken down to individual motions and what your mindset should be at each moment during the swing. I was a little skeptical at first, but the step by step instructions really make sense, and I can see where my weaknesses are in the way I am thinking about golf. I will be improving by leaps and bounds in no time at all.


I complained so much about my golf game that my wife bought me a golf psychology book for my birthday. I figured I would give it a shot, because after all, it couldn't hurt. According to the book, I have subconsciously imposed limits on myself that prevents success. There are tests and quizzes to help me identify the mental barriers and irrational beliefs that keep me from winning. Through mental exercises and meditation I was able to overcome these unhealthy mental blocks and start playing some of the best golf of my life. Wh...

... middle of paper ... by not having the correct frame of mind while playing. The right mental approach to the game will lower your scores before you know it, and winning tournaments will become a regular occurrence. I improved my focus and increased my confidence so I could become the best player possible. Hopefully I will win the trophy at the city tournament next week.


My golf score was hovering around 100 when I received a golf psychology course on DVD from my brother in law. I complain to him all the time about my golf game, so I thought he sent it to me to shut me up. I was wrong about that, and I learned many things to help me improve my game. I had always let my mind get in the way of what I should be doing, and the course showed me effective ways to prepare intelligently. I played at one of the hardest courses in the state last week and shot a 79 which was great for me.

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