Golf A Sport Essay

804 Words2 Pages

Golf is a game that has been around since the late 1400’s, longer than most
Leading sports today. The popularity of the game is easily compared to any leading sports, therefore it should be considered one. Coaching and practicing are necessary in all sports.
Certainly there are challenges to overcome in order to be a successful player. Thus, there is no reason golf should not be considered a sport.
Golf is a sport because it has great health benefits. The level of mental and physical benefits one can gain are quite extraordinary. People who argue golf is not a sport feel that it is a game that requires very little activity to play. In reality, however, golf offers many opportunities for physical activity. The average 18 hole golf course if a player would choose to walk it while playing could provide between six and eight thousand yards to traverse. That is over four miles. A person could burn many calories during an outing like that. “Studies have revealed that regular exercise increases positive sleeping.”( Newell pg.232)In addition, golfers gain exercise in carrying a bag which can weigh as much as 35 pounds.
The mental and physical aspects of the game are considerations of its sports status.
Skill sets incorporating both of these such as preparing for a close shot, doing practice swings and evaluating the slopes of the ground, the lie of the ball, and the speed of the greens are such examples. Taking to mind all of the mental planning that must be done in order to execute an accurate shot requires mental focus which is healthy for the brain in a manner similar to solving a puzzle. “Scientists have demonstrated by their research that when you play a successful round

of golf...

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...s single layered balls are hard and unforgiving.

It is reasonable to draw a conclusion that golf is a sport based on the facts supported.
In most sports today, there are a number of rules and regulations that must be followed. Such is also true of golf. Likewise, a sport is not considered a sport without proper equipment, coaching, and practice. All sports vary when it comes to equipment and coaching but, to some degree they all play a part. To be a successful golfer, as with all important sports, it is necessary to utilize many different muscle groups in conjunction with hand-eye- coordination which, to some degree, is probably giftedness rather than developed skill. The health benefits are obvious. Like other sports, golf requires work and conditioning to develop skills. Therefore golf is a sport.

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