Golf Cart Gone Wrong Research Paper

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Golf – Cart Gone Wrong What is the definition of a mistake? According to, the definition of a mistake is “(n) an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.” With this said, there are also many different definitions of a “mistake” that differ between people. My definition of a mistake is an accident or occurrence that you learn from. Learning from a mistake is exactly what I did that very Sunday when I stole the golf cart. It was a lazy Sunday, and everybody was just laying around with nothing to do. It was the middle of the basketball season, and all I wanted to do was shoot some hoops. The neighborhood I lived in had an indoor basketball gym which I loved to play in, and I wanted to go there to play around. I didn’t feel like walking, so my only other option was the golf cart in the garage. There was only problem with that - the lack of my Dad’s permission. I decided to tell …show more content…

That is exactly what I felt when I was in my room after I scratched the brand-new wheels on the golf cart. I felt horrible for many reasons including scratching the wheels, not telling my father, and sneaking out of the house. Then, I heard the worst possible thing I could hear at that moment, the garage door opening. I also heard my dad walk down the steps, and then I felt goosebumps up and down my arm. “Cameron, get down here now!!” yelled my father. I decided to walk downstairs and receive my punishment for my big mistake. As I walked down the stairs, my dad kept yelling at me. I don’t blame him at all, I would be mad as well to see the new wheels destroyed by my nine year old son who stole the golf cart. He decided not to spank me, but instead he just said only one thing. “I’m really disappointed in you, Cameron.” I ran back up to my room feeling horrible and even I shed a little

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