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Inequality in religion on the basis of gender
Inequality in religion on the basis of gender
Examine different views on gender in Christianity
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Recommended: Inequality in religion on the basis of gender
God created female and male in God’s “image and likeness.” So why have Christians continued to unnecessarily exclude women from traditional religious language? Why have Christians made female and male so distinct that an inequality has formed? The answer originates with the way Christians have unwarily chosen God as male. All male language for God is idolatrous for the Christian faith (McCabe) and by choosing to give God a gender at all, it has affected the self-understanding of the roles males and females have in society today. The way Christians choose to talk about God as male needs to be reexamined closely, so we can address issues of inequality, and reverse what our identity, sex, and gender truly mean. If Christians describe God as male, …show more content…
And God blessed them (Genesis 1:27-28), but it is important to recognize that “He” is simply a translation and not the identity of God. God surpasses gender because God is spirit with no form, which is God’s explicit revelation. We are humans, male and female, unlike God. Christians using masculine biblical language for God, as a consequence, refers to grammatical gender, not natural. Man and woman are simply the image of God, not a replica of God as a gender. One is not superior to another, but historically, Christians have formed this idea that because God is male, it requires the other gender to be lesser than. This historical deception then creates a gender injustice amongst male and female in society. By Christians talking about God with a gender, it further explains the reason why male has become some greater over the female. If Christians can change that historical discourse and avoid male language when talking about God, Christians can begin to understand why God wanted both male and female as equals. By further denying the truth of God’s identity in the bible, we deny the rights for equality amongst male and …show more content…
From the beginning of Genesis, the denial of God’s identity has created a trail of making women second. From linking women’s body to sinfulness to linking women to evil, denial of the rights of a woman became a common theme to abide by amongst Christians (McCabe, class notes). By Christians giving God a male gender and then linking God to no evil or sin, male was immediately made superior on the bases of God as male. For example, Augustine, wrote “the woman with her husband is the image of God in such a way that the whole of that substance is one image, but when she is assigned her function of being a helper, which is her concern alone, she is not the image of God.” This simply denies the fullness of the image of God to woman because of her body and social role in society (Johnson, 50). Christians need to be able to recognize that gender roles in society have been historically conditioned on the premise of God as male. God is mystery beyond all telling. Christians need to talk about God truthfully and without gender because by giving God a male gender, it allows for females to become reduced to a lesser
It is evident that men are often viewed as being superior or more important than females through a variety of different aspects. In the text, Eve and Adam:Genesis 2-3 Reread by Phyllis Trible, Trible discusses the story of Adam and Eve and how this biblical piece is what essentially created the gender roles that are presented in todays society. The first illustration of male dominance is seen when God creates the first human being which happens to be a man (Trible, 141). The males role is to to maintain the garden, take care of the animals and essentially be the one who is in charge (Trible, 141). A woman is only created in order to keep the male company and help him therefore, the woman takes on a secondary role while the man has the primary role clearly showing that men hold more power in society. Another clear example of male domination comes from the text, The Creation and Fall of Man and Woman by Rosemary Agonito states that the reasoning for gender differences is due to Adam and Eve disobeying God by eating from the tree of knowledge. When Adam and Eve make the chose to eat from the tree God gives them both
With Mary Daly we discover that in the Christian faith and many other religions, we portray God as male. This shared belief according to Daly is stated to be one of the leading causes of male dominance; also called “feminism, where women are seen as the second sex”. Here we will be breaking down Daly’s arguments and try to understand her ways of possibly fixing this problem. In Daly’s book we notice three main aspects that serve as the root of the majority of her claims. The first one is god as a verb rather than a noun, this concept address how by saying god is only a noun we are limiting the power of him. The second point is god is male and male is god, this part of her book talks about how males have been cast as the superior gender thanks
Throughout most of early European history, women were viewed as inferior to men. Roman law described women as children, forever inferior to men. Christian theology continued to perpetuate these views over the centuries. In the 4th century St Jerome of the
McFagues models of God seem to act as a “one shop stop” for all of these issues previously mentioned. The model of God as the Mother tackles the issues of what a female God could accomplish in terms of correcting the inequalities of the christian faith as it was established as such by man to serve in their best interests by retaining a level of elitism that neither animals nor women could ever attain. She states on page 102 of Models of God “This agapic (motherly) love is revolutionary, for it loves the weak and the vulnerable as well as the strong and the beautiful.” The case is made clear here that by having a God-Mother, the inequality of the sexes and the questions there in could be answered if this model, which acts as an all inclusive and non-discriminatory divine love were used. Our ability to create societies as well to flatten, or erase them from the world has created a new pandoras box for modern society. In this instance the model of God-Friend would be most beneficial to employ as it seeks out an interdependence, not based on fear or need, but rather the I-You relationship in which God could be found (Pessin, pg 213) where we experience mutuality and intimacy in a two-way relationship. McFague states on pg 161, “God's sustaining love (philia) under-scores the joy of all forms of life as companions unite with one another and with the source of their life”. In this model of God as Friend, his sustained love and companionship could instill an underlying understanding amongst neighbors. In the God-friend model, there is mutuality which people can experience within the relationship could be enough to allow one another to live freely without threat to their way of life. Mc Fague can clarifies this further on page 167 of Mode...
In her article, “Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Studies”, Phyllis Trible discusses the issues centered toward women in the bible (Trible). She addresses issues not just concerning equality, but also how men viewed women in biblical times. Trible examines the role of women in the bible, and the misconception they carry, that leads many into harms way.
...e life that he is creating is undeniably male, as this is the sex he views as the stronger of the two, there is never a question for a moment that he may create a female.
Personal experience has shown the necessity of gender roles; whether or not there is a belief in God. Naturally, not all Christians uphold this standard and many do not keep these roles throughout the marriage. Also some non-traditional unions have been extremely successful, but as a general rule, people just seem happier when the roles are carried out. Most men like to dominate and most women to nurture just as most women like to be dominated and most men cared for.
...m played a role in ending practices such as human sacrifice, slavery, infanticide and adultery. Christianity in general affected the status of women by condemning infanticide, divorce, incest, polygamy, birth control, abortion and marital infidelity. While official Church teaching considers women and men to be equal and different, some modern activists of ordination of women and other feminists argue that the teachings by St. Paul, the Fathers of the Church and Scholastic theologians advanced the impression of a pleasingly ordained female subordination. Nevertheless, women have played prominent roles in Western history through the Catholic Church, particularly in education and healthcare, but also as influential theologians and mystics. The important status of the Virgin Mary gave views of maternal virtue and compassion a place at the heart of Western civilization.
Schungel-Straumann, H. (1993) ‘On the Creation of Man and Woman in Genesis 1-3: The History and Reception of the Texts Reconsidered’. In: Brenner, A. (ed.). A Feminist Companion to Genesis. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. pp.53-76.
Women of these times were obviously not equal to their male counterparts. In modern days however, women are thought of as equals in society. The problem is that they are still not being treated as equals in a religious aspect as well as many other aspects. Elizabeth A. Johnson draws attention to how, despite being considered equal in Genesis, women had their worth ignored “Consistently subordinated and demeaned in the theories, symbols, rituals, A large wave of pro women thinking has arisen in the form of feminist theology. This line of thought draws from Genesis and the idea that men and women were created equally.
Corinthians 14:34 states, “Let the women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but let them be in subjection, as also saith the law” (Holy Bible, King James Edition). Edith Hamilton, "recognized as the greatest woman Classicist", says that the Bible is the only book before our century that looked to women as human beings, no better nor worse than men (Tanner). However, it cannot be said that this book was consistently favorable to women. Maybe not absolutely, but conditionally in personal opinion, the Bible shows numerous examples of a woman’s inferiority to men, an assessment that has been translated into the cultures of generations. In this essay I will address briefly instances in the bible pertaining to women, and continue on with thoughts on how I believe these notions have been interpreted into society.
The stories about women in the bible illustrate the importance of their role and contribution to society. Women were slaves, concubines, and child bearers; they were also wives, matriarchs, and prophets. Although, some women had less important titles than others each served a purpose. Even if the Bible does not explain God’s relationship with women as with Moses and other prophets, it illustrates the love and dedication women had for Him. The scriptures describe brave, nurturing, and God fearing women whose decisions impacted the existence of the Israelites.
Kelley, Rhonda H., “Communication between Men and Women in the Context of the Christian Community”. Retrieved on October 4, 2004 from http://www.cbmw.org/resources/articles/gender_communication.php
It is no shock that in Catholicism you would find male ordinance. But it is indeed a shock how church is seen has a place with open arms for all and yet have their own form of sexism whether or not you realize it. The days of Jesus (Christ), when Jesus willing chose just men as his apostles rather than women. And this is not because of that women were not capable of because lets face who would have been the best priest by far if it wasn’t Mary? Yet so, in his era religions and the cultural most probably led him to make that decision.
the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man