Glory Movie Sparknotes

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The film Glory, released in 1989 follows the story of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw who is assigned to lead the 54th Massachusetts, or the first black regiment. The movie takes place in 1863, during the Civil War battles and displays the struggles black individuals went through in the 1800s. The main characters in the movie are Colonel Robert Shaw, Major Cabot Forbes, Thomas Seranes, Sergeant Major John Rawlins, Trip, and Jupiter. Robert Gould Shaw was a twenty-three year old son of a wealthy Boston abolitionist, Francis Shaw during the Civil War era. Shaw wrote to home regularly, telling his parents of life in the Potomac Army. During this time, Shaw enlisted to fight in war between the states. On September 17, 1862, Shaw fought in the Battle …show more content…

Shaw asked Forbes to lead alongside him, and Forbes agreed without hesitation. Behind them, Thomas Searles says he will be their first volunteer. From the beginning of camp, it was obvious that Forbes held certain stereotypes for the blacks and struggled to understand and connect with the black soldiers that were not Thomas. It seemed to be easier with Thomas since he was free. Going about the journey, Forbes is conversing with Thomas when Shaw pulls him away and tells him that that is not allowed since Thomas is “enlisted.” Very oblivious to the sudden change in attitude coming from Robert, he hesitantly agrees. The proclamation is issued and Forbes is informed that continuing to help lead the regiment could lead to him dying, he stays regardless. After Shaw goes a bit overboard with putting Jupiter under pressure while shooting a gun, he orders Forbes to teach them to properly shoot a gun. Forbes, at this point very confused, approaches Shaw and asks to speak to him. Forbes expresses how he feels that Shaw is being way too hard on the men, especially for their friend Thomas. When Shaw snaps back at him, Forbes tells him that his position as colonel is getting to his head and reminds him that both him and Thomas know the real Robert Shaw. After their dispute, Forbes witnessed Thomas begging to speak to Shaw and all he says is that he needs permission to do so. Forbes just looked at Robert disappointedly. Some time later, when Trip, the antagonist in the film, escaped and got caught, was about to get whipped Forbes tells Shaw that he shouldn't do this in front of the men. Shaw tells him to never question him and says to stand at attention as he watches Trip get whipped. As the story continues, Forbes begins to show the sympathy that Shaw clearly was not, as he witnessed first hand all the soldiers

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