Global Warming Solutions

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Climate change is a controversial subject that needs further investigation to conclusively prove to others that a problem exists. Even those trying to prove climate change will admit there are multiple variables that can affect the planet’s climate and many of those are not man-made.

As stated in the introduction to chapter 12, “2013: Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Com¬mitments and Irreversibility”, of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR5) by Collins et al. (2013), Projections of future climate change are not like weather forecasts. It is not possible to make deterministic, definitive predictions of how climate will evolve over the next century and beyond as it is with short-term weather forecasts… Projections of climate change are uncertain, first because they are dependent primarily on scenarios of future anthropogenic and natural forcings that are uncertain, second because of incomplete understanding and imprecise models of the climate system and finally because of the existence of internal climate variability. The term cli¬mate projection tacitly implies these uncertainties and dependencies.

Drawing from the research of organizations such as the IPCC and scientists skilled in multiple disciplines, I will explore the history, perceived causes and impacts of climate change. Based on this examination, I will propose my own solutions, at the local and global levels, to mitigate or adapt to probable impacts from global warming.

Background on Climate Change


Throughout history examples of climate change prior to the Industrial Era can be found. The Anasazi were forced to leave what is now Colorado due to severe droughts in 1130-1180 and 1275-1299. Greenland was...

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...1(1), 183-197.


Semenza, J. C., Ploubidis, G. B., & George, L. A. (2011). Climate change and climate variability: Personal motivation for adaptation and mitigation. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 10(Suppl 1), 46-57.



Stolberg, T., 2010: Teaching Darwinian evolution: Learning from religious education. Sci. Educ., 19, 679–692.

Wheeler, S. M. (2008). State and municipal climate change plans: The first generation. Journal of the American Planning Association.


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