Global Warming Is False

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It is not uncommon for there to be a dispute between experts while regarding a certain topic. In terms of global warming, which is an extraordinarily controversial topic, it would be entirely possible for there to be disagreement. They may be looking at the issue from different viewpoints and they could be basing it off of previous experience. This topic applies to the natural and human sciences because global warming is the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere as a result of the greenhouse effect caused by pollution and other contaminations via humans.
The collection of scientists who believe that global warming is real have their own reasons to defend their claim whereas the others have their own reasons to disregard …show more content…

The first statement arguing that global warming is untrue is that there is not a significant temperature change since the 1997. Studies show that there was a dramatic increase in temperature that started in 1975 and continued all the way until 1997, but that since then, the temperature has been flat. Secondly, some scientists claim that climate models are unreliable and that previous predictions about global warming have been proven wrong. The calculations used in climate models have been flawed which is leading experts to believe that all long term predictions are utterly worthless. Arctic ice has increased by 50% since 2012, which contradicts the claim that global warming is causing the glaciers to melt. Lastly, there is not enough historical data available to prove Global warming to be true. Long term historical data is something scientists do not have and therefore it makes it impossible to decipher whether it is happening or not. According to Rinkesh, “The first problem is that weather data from 100 years ago wasn’t kept to modern standards of …show more content…

Two scientists may have been the top of their classes and may be the most educated when it comes to climate change, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they agree on the issue. That alone gives no indication. Let’s say they grew up in different types of families. One which believed global warming was happening and one who did not. They would both grow up to learn the same material and study the same information, but they could still clash because of their previous experience and the different viewpoints they’re coming from. The scientists and experts don’t really think that global warming isn’t real, they just believe that it isn’t human caused. They are both undoubtedly correct in their opinions, which means it’s possible for them to

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