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Climate change impacts on the natural environment
What are the effects of climate change on our planet
Global warming impact on environment
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Climate Change has become an incredibly controversial topic because of the bid to win votes. As with any successful political party, capital and supporters are needed to fund and support campaigns and activities to secure votes. The Democratic and Republican parties have taken opposite sides of the ring regardless of scientific proof. In relation to global warming, the Democrats represent the environmentalists in the green corner and the Republicans represent the current energy tycoons in the red corner. The two opposing parties are simply trying to one up each other with each rhetorical combination thrown. The more irrational or misconstrued the rhetoric, the more the crowd rooting for each fighter reacts and the more independents rally to …show more content…
either side. Global Warming or Climate Change as it is commonly referred to by scientists today, was first proposed by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius.
Arrhenius estimated using the greenhouse gas effect theory, that if the total amount of the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere were cut in half the surface temperature of the Earth would decrease and if the opposite occurred and the carbon dioxide concentration doubled the temperature of the surface would in turn increase. His ideas remained under high scrutiny because of conflicting ideas that were successfully debunked in the1980s. In 1987, Stephen Schneider predicted that the Earth would warm at an exponential rate due to increased carbon dioxide emissions facilitated by humans. The majority of scientists agreed with his predictions and today his estimations are relatively close (Enzler). However, today many scientists are still disputing the effects global warming will have on the world and with good reason. On one hand, some theorists believe global warming is a catastrophic world event in which the Earth will become uninhabitable for life in a rather short period of time, between one to three hundred years (Edwards). On the other hand, the Earth will simply experience changes in its climates that cause increased strain on ecosystems and certain regions, which must adapt to their new climate for sustenance. Overall, the severity of the implications global warming presents has yet to be settled by scientists. This can be attributed to the fact that weather can be an incredibly complex entity to predict and climate is directly derived from all of the weather a region
experiences. On August 31, 2015 at the GLACIER conference in Anchorage, Alaska Obama gave a speech. His speech was filled with appeals to pathos. He testified: If we were to abandon our course of action, if we stop trying to build a clean-energy economy and reduce carbon pollution, if we do nothing to keep the glaciers from melting faster, and oceans from rising faster, and forests from burning faster, and storms from growing stronger, we will condemn our children to a planet beyond their capacity to repair: Submerged countries. Abandoned cities. Fields no longer growing. Indigenous peoples who can’t carry out traditions that stretch back millennia. Entire industries of people who can’t practice their livelihoods. Desperate refugees seeking the sanctuary of nations not their own. Political disruptions that could trigger multiple conflicts around the globe. (Obama) The previous statement is meant to unsettle the audience to inspire activism on the issue. His emotive appeals to pathos, such as “condemn”, “abandoned”, and “desperate” give his well-crafted rhetoric the force it needs to be effective, however, his comments are slightly exaggerated to meet the needed impact. There are a few embellishments mixed in with his facts like a typical politician. Specifically, “submerged countries” and “Fields no longer growing.” There are no implications that whole countries will be submerged if all of the glaciers melt completely. While it is true that there will be increased coastal erosion. According to the IPCC, growing seasons are actually expected to last longer than normal (Gordon et al). An important idiosyncrasy worth noting is his omission of dioxide in between “carbon” and “emissions”. Etymologically, Carbon comes from the Latin term “Carbo” which means coal. Therefore, the omission puts more emphasis on the most widely used nonrenewable resource in the energy industry, coal. However, this can also mislead someone to think that emissions are pure Carbon. Overall, Obama’s speech was mostly accurate, but fabricated in some instances. On the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show Donald Trump was asked by Hewitt if he believes Climate Change is occurring. Trump responded dismissively, “I’m not a believer in global warming. And I’m not a believer in man-made global warming. It could be warming, and it’s going to start to cool at some point. And you know, in the early, in the 1920s, people talked about global cooling. I don’t know if you know that or not. I believe there’s weather. I believe there’s change, and I believe it goes up and it goes down, and it goes up again. And it changes depending on years and centuries, but I am not a believer, and we have much bigger problems” (Hewitt). Trumps statement about talk of global cooling in the 1920s are completely bogus. He may have misspoken and meant the 1970s in which there were a few reports predicting global cooling that caught the attention of the media (Enzler). Those sources were not fully validated by science. At the time most reports were actually predicting an increase in surface temperature. It is also important to note that he does not say why it does not exist or how humans have not effected the carbon dioxide concentration. The ambiguity of Trumps statements such as, “It could be warming, and it’s going to start to cool at some point”, keep his comments from complete scrutiny. Trump continues, “You know, to me, the worst global warming, and I mentioned this to you once before, is nuclear warming. That’s our global warming. That’s what I see, because we have incompetent people, and we have these rogue nations, and not even rogue nations anymore” (Hewitt). Trump appeals to pathos in his elaboration. His aforementioned statements are meant to put more importance on the regulation of nuclear technology in other countries rather than climate change. His emotive word choice includes, “worst”, “nuclear”, and “rogue”. Overall, Trumps statements are based fully on opinions rather than factual evidence backed by science. In turn, his statements are readily accepted as truths by lesser educated and informed citizens because of his simple and down to Earth approach to issues. Overall, Trumps statements are counterproductive and play on the ignorance of the general populace. At the Democratic debate in Iowa on November 14, 2015. Democratic Presidential Candidate Burnie Sanders stated, when prompted if he still believed that climate change is the greatest security threat to our nation today, “Absolutely. In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism. And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say you're gonna see countries all over the world-- this is what the C.I.A. says, they're gonna be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops. And you're gonna see all kinds of international conflict” (Burnie). Burnie’s statements appeal to pathos and ethos. He appeals to pathos by using “struggling” and “conflict”. He appeals to ethos by referring to the Central Intelligence Agency. In regards to the validity of his statements, to suggest that climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism is a simple fabrication. The definition of terrorism is not clearly defined in society today, neither is the severity of the effects of climate change. While it is true that climate does affect the economy of a nation and this would have an effect on the solidarity of a nation. To blame a drought as the effect of climate change in Syria, a country that has a desert climate, into the destabilization of region is a simple misrepresentation of the truth. Generalizations such as these to complex problems only create more skepticism. Overall, Sanders rhetoric only helps delegitimize the issue of climate change. In conclusion, the politics of climate change and the limits of science have created one of the most controversial conflicts of all time. The topic has become delegitimized most respectively in the political realm due to overstating and understating by both political factions. For change a leader must blatantly state the facts of climate change and mitigate a compromise between both parties. Only then can we truly make a serious effort to create a real world solution to a very complex and potentially cataclysmic problem.
In his piece on climate change, Richard Lindzen addresses his stance on the heated debate of global warming. He claims that there is, in fact, no ongoing catastrophic temperature increase. Lindzen, a Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a recipient of the Jule Charney award from the American Meteorological Society (Richard Lindzen), believes that the earth goes through natural phases of warming and cooling. In this piece, he examines why he believes people have a false conception of Earth’s climate shifts.
Climate Change is costing the world millions of dollars and is the biggest issue facing society today. Climate change is causing greenhouse gases to build up, ice caps to melt, etc. Some people believe climate change is not a big issue. For instance in the article “Gospel of The Climate Change Deniers” it is stated, “Barton a guy who called Al Gore ‘totally wrong’ about global warming and advised people to get shade to adapt to rising temperatures” (Kroll). Although, this is an appealing mindset, it is illogical because climate change has many more effects than just warmer temperatures. For example, Frank Ackerman: an economist known for his work in environmental economics and Dr. Elizabeth A. Stanton an environmental economist and
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Climate change is one of the greatest problems that our society faces today. This issue has been the topic of many debates between the Democrats and Republicans. According to a recent poll taken in July of this year, seventy-one percent of Democrats believe that the Earth’s climate is warming due to human activity, while only twenty-seven percent of Republicans this. Democrats and Republicans have different views, but climate change is very real and needs to be slowed down.
In the circulating article from New York Magazine, “The Uninhabitable Earth”, David Wallace-Wells presents nine of many chilling results of climate change in a rare style of writing. He does so by using quantitative evidence in nearly every paragraph and quickly shuffling through facts to aggressively express Earth’s impending doom. This article has been praised and criticized by many because of his extremely pessimistic and debatably over-dramatic predictions of the end of life on Earth. His writing prospers in areas like pathos, but lacks in cogency and ethos, which is his downfall for some readers. Although his writing technique is unique, it is unquestionably thought provoking and pulls at your heartstrings.
Title: The Green Debate: Unfolding the American Dialogue on Marijuana Legalization. At the heart of American democracy lies a spirited debate over the green leaf that has long symbolized both freedom and contradiction – marijuana. In a landscape where smoke signals of change are in the air, the federal government’s staunch stance against marijuana seems clouded by a haze of public opinion. In the critical crossfire of this debate, Mancini and Budd cast a scholarly gaze over the intricate patchwork of state legalization and federal prohibition, offering a deeply-layered analysis that digs into the ethos, pathos, and logos of America’s complex relationship with cannabis. This essay sets out to untangle their woven tapestry of arguments, seeking
As humanity advances further into the 21st century, climate change continues to be a major obstacle in ensuring a safe world with the immediate and cataclysmic dangers it presents. As such, major scientific organizations and governments over the years have created various programs to tackle this issue, ranging from creating carbon emission quotas, investing in green energy and even encouraging citizens to eat less meat and dairy. However, these programs require a lot of effort, funds, and cooperation to be successful and create a drastic improvement. It is with little surprise then that Allan Savory’s method of “holistic management” has gained tremendous popularity among people, as hinted by his TED talk with 2 million views. Savory explains
safe would you feel knowing that natural disasters such as this may not only increase in
Climate change is a long-term change in regional or global climate patterns. From the mid twentieth century to now, it has mostly been about a significant increase in average global temperatures. Climate change is a major issue in the world today, and a lot of people feel very differently about the cause of it. The common argument about it is whether climate change is a natural occurrence or if the recent increase in temperatures is because of humans. Climate change is a natural cycle in the Earth’s weather. Before humans started burning fossil fuels, there were still weather cycles on Earth that were as hot or hotter than what it is now. In fact, Earth’s weather now, is on pace with the previous weather patterns in history. Human emitted
The Earth is currently locked in perpetuating spiral of climate change. While the global climate has unarguably been changing since the dawn of it's manifestation, the once steadied ebb and flow of climate change has become increasingly more unpredictable.The risk of rising sea levels, and drought plaguing the fresh water supply, during the time that flooding and sporadic storm conditions turn once fully inhabited regions into uninhabitable death traps. Climate change catalyzed by human's increased production of carbon dioxide, is more noticeable than ever in our recorded history (United States, 2014 National Climate Assessment). Thankfully however, with the changing weather conditions due to carbon related emissions, the change in public opinion about their personalized influence on climate change is also increasing. Kevin Liptak Jethro Mullen, and Tom Cohen note that In reaction to the most recent governmental report on climate change, even the U.S. government believes that a stronger approach needs to be taken to correct our self-generated cataclysm.
Climate Change is any substantial change in climate that lasts for an extended period of time. One contributor to current climate change is global warming, which is an increase in Earth’s average temperature. Plants and animal species throughout the world are being affected by rising temperatures. Many plants are flowering earlier now than they once did; animals, such as the yellowbellied marmot, are emerging from hibernation earlier; and many bird and butterfly species are migrating north and breeding earlier in the spring than they did a few decades ago, all because of slight changes in temperature cues. (Shuster)
Global warming has become on of the most controversial issues in the media today. While most of the Western world countries have generally accepted the premise that man's chemical emissions in the atmosphere can and are affected by the world’s climate patterns, in the United States, the issue has become so politicized with many republicans challenging the science behind the theory. Global warming is a greenhouse effect whereby gases are trapped on the earth’s surface causing it to heat up (Maslin 14). It is based on the worldwide temperature records that have been maintained by human beings through their activities since the 1880,s. In addition, global warming is not only caused by human activities only but also through climate changes in solar radiance. The problem is that, humans continue to contribute to the global warming phenomenon. All citizens should work in reducing human activities that cause global warming and also support the development of nuclear power. Scientists deem that, global warming is mainly caused by human activities which accelerate the natural process by creating greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Human activities have become a great contribution to the greenhouse effect and this means that climate changes are inevitable. They further argue that, if these activities continue and are not reduced, it will lead to more trapping of energy radiated from the earth and this will likely lead to extreme weather and global warming. Global warming should be at reduced levels or else, it will be catastrophic.
The controversial subject of global warming according to a large amount of scientists is not a prominent concern. Over 31,000 scientists have signed on to a petition saying humans aren't causing global warming. More than 1000 scientists signed on to another report saying there is no global warming at all. There are tens of thousands of well-educated, mainstream scientists who do not agree that global warming is occurring at all. If so many scientists believe it is not a concern then why should we think any different? Well, a consensus shows that in reality 97% of all climate scientists agree that global warming is an issue and that it is most likely due to ...
The earth is a complex system, which continues to evolve and change. Climate change and global warming are currently popular in the political agenda. But what does “climate” really mean? The difference between weather and climate can be conveyed in a single sentence: “Climate is what you expect; weather is what you get.” Based on research of the geologic record, we know that climate change has happened throughout Earth's history and at present, ever-increasing evidence points to the roles that humans play in altering Earth systems. The Earth and its atmosphere receive heat energy from the sun; the atmospheric heat budget of the Earth depends on the balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing radiation from the planet; which has been constant over the last few thousand years. However present evidence seems to suggest that the recent increase in temperature has been brought about by pollution of the atmosphere, in particular the release of huge amounts of carbon dioxide, mostly through Anthropogenic Forcing (human activity) and other various internal and external factors. I...
Global Warming One of the most substantial problems in the world today is global warming. This gradual warming of the earth is in occurrence at an extremely slow rate but it is happening. Many scientists believe that as human’s work and release greenhouse gases into the earth’s atmosphere, it can become dangerous for the long lasting life of humans and our environment. “Unless we take immediate action, the impacts of global warming will continue to intensify, grow ever more costly and damaging, and increasingly affect the entire planet - including you, your community, and your family” (“Global Warming Impacts”).