Giza And Mayan Pyramids Essay

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Triangles are an important shape when it comes to the construction of buildings. They're a sturdy, simple shape, so it's no surprise to see that ancient civilizations built pyramids. The most notable being the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, as well as the Mayan Pyramids. But, what sets them so much apart? What are the similarities? What key parts make them so unique?

When looking at Mayan and Egyptian pyramids side by side, one would immediately notice the difference in heights between the two. The Great Pyramid of Giza stands at an astounding 480ft, with the Mayan pyramids standing only 401ft less, or simply 79ft (Source 4). With such a baffling number, it's no wonder the pyramid of Giza has been titled as "Great". But this doesn't mean the Mayan pyramids aren't impressive, with the ornate details with stairs and a entrance placed at the top. The questions stands as to why such a height was determined for the pyramid, especially when it's six times the height of the Mayans'?The answer can easily be answered with the purpose of the pyramids.

Egypt was ruled by a single ruler, or a Pharaoh. When the Pharaoh dies, a monument is erected in memorial of the Pharaoh. The Great Pyramids of Giza serve that purpose …show more content…

The Mayan pyramids were built with an entrance at the top lead by a staircase on every side of the pyramid. These pyramids were used as temples for worship, along side the tombs of dead leaders. Yet, only priests were allowed to climb the stairs to the top, using them for religious rituals such as sacrifices. To add even more, the Mayans placed the locations of the pyramids to "note important points in the calendar, such as the solstice and equinox"(Source 3). Compared to the Pyramids of Giza, the Mayan pyramids don't come close when it comes to height, but in the tactical sense, the Mayans beat them by a

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