Girlhood Essay

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Girlhood shapes women into who they want to be. Modern times have changed the definition of girlhood from a structured list of goals to a more open-ended journey. Speaking of the past definition of girlhood Harris said, “the features of the ideal young person were clearly prescribed. Today… a successful identity is no longer adherence to a set of normative characteristics, but instead a capacity for self-invention” (6). This essay will explore the social, economic and political factors that have shaped the definition of girlhood. I argue that girlhood scholars contextualize contemporary girlhood as achieving a successful identity through being unique, independent and making their own decisions and not as attaining ‘normal’ characteristics. …show more content…

I believe the presence of working women has strengthened our economic system, as Harris said “successful campaigns for the expansion of girls’ education and employment have coincided with a restructured global economy and a class/gender system that now relies heavily on young women’s labor” (6). It shocks me that women used to be expected to be a housewife and depend on their husband to provide for the family. However, just because women are more independent today does not mean they are radical feminists who cannot love, Weiss describes how women “should reject those relationships that demand or contribute to our subjugation… this does not mean…that we are not very loving” (12). Being independent is important but women still value all of the aspects of relationships and friendships, they are just now able to go and accomplish their goals without judgement. There have been so many discoveries and research done by women that have influenced modern day science that would not and could not have been done if women were not encouraged to be curious and seek higher education. Today women are encouraged to go after their dreams and are not pushed into a forced role, they can do whatever they want with their life, because it is their life to live. These changed economic values and ample access to education changed the definition of girlhood to be more …show more content…

I agree that the definition of girlhood has changed and adapted due to social, economic and political influences. The new research into girlhood and a new outlook of generation of women have made girlhood a more positive and supportive experience. Growing up is no longer about being pushed into an unwanted role to be a good housewife or mother or etc. Girlhood and gender identity have been redefined in social, economic and political aspects. Feminism is on the rise and equality is on the way. Women are now free to be whoever they want to be in society, as they are no longer forced to fit into a ‘normal’ stereotype. Besides, normal is just a setting on a washing

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