Gifted Observation Essay

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During an observation, there three types of first grade students that were observing a gifted, typical and special need. Some common characteristics of a typical first grade student they may ask many questions, very social, interest in learning, bossy with friends, enjoy doing projects and very energetic. They also understanding of their testing behavior and interested in learning, enjoy art, riddles and poems (Responsive Classroom, 2011). Some characteristics of a gifted student have strong curiosity, high level of language and verbal development, great capacity to process information and have long attention span. Gifted students also have a higher understanding of self-awareness and persistence and goal directed (Duke University, 2008). Some …show more content…

The classroom, diversity is two English learners and one Chinese. Most of the students are from two parent homes working full time. Some student lives with their grandparents and some lives with one parent working full time. The gender and race of the three-student the special need student is an African American male, the gifted is an African American female and typical student is a Caucasian female. All three live within the same community, middle class neighborhood. All three children attend the same youth group and attend the same church. The town is very small and everyone knows each other, the school is a title I school and have more Caucasian than minorities enrolled. The information collected is use to determine the behavioral and learning of each …show more content…

Peers have influences psychology and development they may pick up negative or positive behavior mimicking their peers. Peer relationship can shape a child personality and value (About Education, 2015).
. Genetics/experience-may determines how intelligent a child will become and how the brain work from birth. However, experience and learning is more important than genetics because experience and learning will shape how the child brain grows and develops (About Education,

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