Giant Panda Self Assessment

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When I started researching the Giant Panda, it was classified endangered, in the last two months this has changed due to the success of conservation programs including the ones I have looked at. I had little knowledge on conservation and what it meant. When this program first started I did not realise how much danger some animals are in and how humans are responsible for the pandas being endangered Since completing the conservation of the Giant Panda I have gain a lot of knowledge about conservation.

Visiting the Adelaide Zoo assisted with my understanding of what the zoo does to help the Giant Pandas and why they do it. Before attending the ZooSnooze I only knew the basics on why they were conserving the Giant Pandas. After speaking to the zookeepers and listening to the Giant Panda talk that was given I have gained a more in depth and better understanding about the …show more content…

It is a key point in identifying and learning from mistakes that were made during the task as well as determining the strengths and weakness of you. The way I self assessed was pretty harshly because I know I can do a lot better. With the conservation program I know that there were many things I need to improve which include, time management skills, Identifying problems and suggesting improvements. I need to improve on time management skills when handing up things on time and having the work done before the due date. Improving on time management skills will help me produce work that is to my best ability. Not only that but again this is a skill that I will need to use in life especially in the workforce when my boss needs something done on a certain date. Being able to identify problems and working out improvement is another skill I need to work on because I did not think i displayed this very well when playing one of the games the zoo education staff had made

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