Ghetto Tarot Analysis

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I have chosen to do my report on a series of photographs called “The Ghetto Tarot” that was photographed by an artist group named Atis Rezistans. The group Atis Rezistans is a Hatian group of artist who have reinvented the classic tarot deck by using their native location Haiti and its long-time citizens as the source for their project. The artists do an incredibly well job in paying homage to the classic artwork of tarot cards and bringing it through life through the power of photography. Through precise composition, various backgrounds, and complimenting colors, they were able to create a series of completely unique and beautiful artistic photographs. Atis Rezistans is collective of highly skilled artists that were all born and raised in Haiti. These group of artists grew up in poor neighborhoods, unpleasant living conditions, and overall a very rough, junkyard-like environment. Some would call their environment the epitome of ghetto. The word “ghetto” that is in the title of this photo series plays a key descriptive word that the artists specifically chose. Although it is often used as a derogatory word with negative connotation, to these artists the word ghetto means …show more content…

Not only do these photographs excel in technicality but they also excel in emotional appeal. Looking through these photographs opens my eyes and gives me a taste of what Haitian culture is like. Even when their location is considered a filthy ghetto junkyard to some, they still managed to make the background work to their advantage and create beautiful photographs. I love how honest these photographs are and the fact that they don’t use any fancy backdrops or superficial models to create art is what also pleases me the most. Instead they use what they have and create pure and honest portraits that still seem have a glimmer of artistic values that magically makes it all come

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