George Orwell's Response To 1984

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1984 Research Essay In the book 1984, George Orwell is trying to send out a warning message to his readers, about a totalitarian state. A totalitarian state is a government where one power has complete political, social, and cultural control over its subjects. Orwell wanted to convey his feelings about this type of government by writing 1984 in a way that seemed real. In this novel, Orwell created a negative utopia that was suppose to foreshadow the nightmare that would happen if the government ever gained complete control, but was Orwell that far off from his predictions? In today’s society it is very prevalent that the government tries to justify the loss of civil liberties such as, the Patriot Act, increasing the use of surveillance cameras, back door encryption access into smartphones, and using advertising, like pharmaceutical ads, as mind control. This is similar …show more content…

It has been found that most traffic-camera violations occurred within the the first second after the light turned red (Glenn Reynolds). Every situation is not the same though, one car might have ran the red light because they wouldn’t have been able to slow down in time without slamming on their brakes. Another reason could have been that if they would have slammed on there brakes the person behind them would have rear-ended them. If and actual police officer would have been there to witness the traffic violation, he would have been able to asses the situation and judge it accordingly. These red light cameras are very similar to the telescreens in 1984. The telescreens are able to monitor your every move and convict someone of a crime that no one actually witnessed, besides the person behind the telescreen. If the government is able to monitor the actions of all driver’s through these traffic cameras, a sense of privacy is lost and society becomes closer to being ruled by a totalitarian government who controls all actions and

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