Genre As A Genre

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According to, genre is defined as “a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique.” Genre is a tool used to generate a clear idea of what a movie will be about. It helps producers create an outline to engage their target audience and ensure similarities in the narrative elements. In the reading by Rick Altman he says, “Stephen Neale expresses the commonly held opinion when he says that ‘each new genre film constitutes an addition to an existing generic corpus and involves a selection from the repertoire of generic elements available at any one point in time’” (Altman 1999). This quote describes exactly what the genre romantic comedies consist of. The genre stems from two obvious sources, romance films and comedy films, and it takes elements from each genre to create a whole new spin on films. Romantic comedies are light-hearted, humorous, and dramatic movies with the portrayal that “true love” comes from human relationships in an ordinary life. This genre has been popular to audiences from the early years of film making because it allows people to believe that relationships and situations depicted in these movies could happen to them. It is also popular for producers because of the ability to construct a film that is known to make a hit at the box offices on a low budget. Rick Altman says, “Current understanding of genre depends on the assumption that generic terms and concepts are few, neat, and clear” (Altman 1999). The basic structure of these films first portrays the unfulfilled desire of love in the lives of the main characters, next comes a situation that they are put in that provides a chance for potential romance, and then though several obstacles the protagonist realiz...

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... that they are meant for each other. In each movie there is usually an important “final gesture” scene to reveal the love that they share. In The Proposal, this is shown when Bullock’s character calls off the wedding and leaves Alaska. Reynolds then realizes that he is in love with her, which creates the final scene of him showing up in her office and proposing.
The genre of romantic comedies sets up a framework of generic conventions for each film. Although they usually have the construction, each film is developed in their own unique way. The amusing, comical, and dramatic movies follow the basic structure of the unfulfilled desire of love in the lives of the main characters, a situation that they are put in that provides a chance for potential romance, and then though several obstacles, a realization that they are a perfect match and live “happily ever after”.

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