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Effects of Belgian colonization in Rwanda
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Genocide is the extermination of a cultural or ethnic group, according to Lockard. According to the United Nations in 1941, genocide is intending to destroy parts or the whole of different nations, ethnic, racial, or religious by killing, causing harm bodily or mental harm, physical destructions of the religious buildings, preventing procreations and relocating children to another group. Genocide is different from other mass deaths because genocide targets a particular group and mass death is killing everyone.
There is no exactly one answer for genocide to occur. For example, the country of Rwandan had a history of violence between the different ethnic groups Hutus and Tutsis. As the Rwandan were granted independence from Belgium in 1962,
Genocide...genocide happens quite often in the atrocious despicable place called earth; Like in the Holocaust, and in the trail of tears. The Holocaust was a racist act exploiting the Jews. The trail of tears was over the white man wanting more land, not caring about how this effects anyone else. Both events are based on racist bigotry. They are different but they're the same concept….
Genocide is the killing of an immense number of people that belong to a specific group, race, or religion. From April 7th to July 15th, 1994, in Rwanda, Africa. An estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Tutsi people were murdered. From 1941 to 1945, all across Europe, people who were not of true “Aryan” descent were systematically killed, especially the people of the Jewish religion. Two books that cover each event specifically are Night by Elie Wiesel and From an Ordinary by Paul Rusesabagina.
Lawyer: the word genocide, is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
Genocide is the act of killing a lot of people, depending on their race, ethnicity, and religion. There are 8 stages of genocide, which include extermination and denial. The victims of the Bosnian genocide consists of elders, women, men, children, and even babies. The Bosnian genocide is a war between Bosnian Serbians and Bosnian Muslims to which the republic can control Bosnia. Many Serbains deny the fact that his genocide even happened, even though there is scientific proof that this genocide happened.
The word “genocide” is a general term. It is vague and could be used to group together and refer to a number of very unique events in history. Defined as the systematic murder of a specific group of people, genocides have occurred since ancient times. America’s most famous genocide, and the longest genocide in history, was the Native American Genocide. Considered to have begun the day the Mayflower hit the shore of Massachusetts, and ended in 1924 when the Indian Citizenship Act was past, the Native American Genocide lasted for over four centuries. In the 15th century, over 10 million Native Americans lived on the land that is part of the modern day United States. By 1900, that number was a mere 300,000. Most Americans, however, hardly know
To start off with, what is genocide? Genocide is the killing of a massive number of people of in a group. Genocide has not only been practices in the present day, but it has been practiced for m...
Genocide, the systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group. From 1992-1995 that was happening in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia.
The word genocide was derived from the Greek root genos (people) and the Latin root cide (killing), and did not exist in the English language until 1944, which was the end of World War II (Power). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, genocide is “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.” Such violence occurred during the Holocaust and during the separation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The problems of ethnic cleansing and repression have become so prevalent in the last century that they have contributed to two world wars, over fourteen million deaths, and a new word. United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said, “Far from being consigned to history, genocide and its ilk remain a serious threat. Not just vigilance but a willingness to act are as important today as ever.”
History contains horrific periods of time that which people suffer and are murdered. This period of time is known as genocide. The legal definition of genocide is “the international destruction of a group of people as such, a crime so severe that it demands immediate and total condemnation” (Rothenberg 395 ). The most well known genocide is the Holocaust, a genocide in which six million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany. After World War II and the Holocaust, the word genocide was originated by Raphael Lemkin. Lemkin coined the word “genocide” by combining Greek genos, meaning race or group, with Latin cidere, meaning to kill or murder.
The Rwandan Genocide was a terrible event in history caused by a constantly weakening relationship between two groups of people. The country of Rwanda is located in Africa and consists of multiple groups of people. Majority of Rwanda is Hutu, while a smaller amount of people are Tutsis. The genocide started due to multiple events that really stretched the relationship between the two groups to its end. One of the starting factors was at the end of World War 1. Rwanda was a German colony but then was given to Belgium “who favored the minority Tutsis over the Hutus, exacerbated[exacerbating] the tendency of the few to oppress the many”(History.com). This created a feeling of anger towards the Tutsis, because they had much more power then Hutus.
Africa has been an interesting location of conflicts. From the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea to the revolutionary conflict in Libya and Egypt, one of the greatest conflicts is the Rwandan Genocide. The Rwandan Genocide included two tribes in Rwanda: Tutsis and Hutus. Upon revenge, the Hutus massacred many Tutsis and other Hutus that supported the Tutsis. This gruesome war lasted for a 100 days. Up to this date, there have been many devastating effects on Rwanda and the global community. In addition, many people have not had many acknowledgements for the genocide but from this genocide many lessons have been learned around the world.
Genocide is the “deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.” (Dictionary.com, 2010) In 1924, after World War I, Belgian colonists entered Rwanda and allowed the Tutsi dynasty to remain in power. However, after World War II concepts of right and wrong changed. Since the Belgians had been favouring the Tutsis, this change in ethics caused the Belgians to have compassion on the Hutus and promote the Hutu cause, creating tension. (Thompson, 2007) It was the Belgians who cre...
Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. (Dictionary )During the beginning of the 20th century, the Herero, an ethnic group of indigenous African herdsmen were slaughtered by the Germans. The Herero people migrated to Southwest Africa, present day Namibia, in the 1600s. Then, in the 1800s, there was a “scramble for Africa” as European countries started colonizing and imperializing. During the Berlin Conference, European countries came together to divide up Africa, giving Germany Southwest Africa where the Herero people lived. Like the other European countries, Germany used its African colonial holdings to gain national prestige. As the Germans came into Southwest Africa, they asserted their control by taking over the economy and social life in Africa. As tensions rose between the Herero and Germans, the Herero people revolted. In retaliation, the German army came in and slaughtered the Herero. The Herero population went from 80,000 in 1904 and plummeted to a shocking 14,000 by the end of the revolt and genocide in 1911. (Perez 2) The Herero revolt and genocide of 1903-1908 occurred due to German colonialism in Southwest Africa, racism towards the Herero people, and Germany’s use of militarism to gain national power.
What is a genocide? “Genocide is a deliberate, systematic destruction of racial, cultural or political groups. ”(Feldman 29) What is the Holocaust? “Holocaust, the period between 1933-1945 when Nazi Germany systematically persecuted and murdered millions of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and many other people.
Massacre, annihilation, extermination, these are just some synonyms for the word Genocide. Genocide-the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. When one thinks of mass murder, they think of the Holocaust. A genocide that many people may not know of is the Rwandan genocide, also known as the Genocide against the Tutsi. It was a mass slaughter of Tutsi in Rwanda by members of the Hutu Majority government in East Central Africa. They murdered from 500,000 to 1,000,000 people. This genocide took place during the Rwandan Civil War. Hutu nationalists were the first to start this genocide. This genocide spread through the country like an epidemic; fast and deadly.