Geno: A Metaphor Of A Powerful Person

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I want to apologize, I feel like a horrible person. I feel like I wasn't as understanding as I could have been. I hope that you can understand that wanting to pull away was a knee-jerk reaction to how hurt I'm feeling.
I'm still hurting and doing my best to understand why. My best guess is that this is all probably kind of scary for you, this next chapter in your life. I do understand that it won't be easy for you and that it's basically you having to start over.
I guess the hardest part for me to comprehend was you feeling like a relationship is too much for you to handle at this point. I guess it's hard for me because I feel like if it were me, I would have kept fighting. But I guess that's selfish, because not everyone is going to …show more content…

If you feel comfortable with that, that is. I know I'm sending out a lot of mixed signals and I'm sorry about that too. I just hope you can understand what this is like for me.
I also want to apologize for the way some of the things I said about not being sure I could do the break thing came off. After thinking about it, I feel like it came off all wrong. I feel like it was sounding like I was saying you weren't deserving of my love or that your love wasn't good enough. I just want you to know that, that's not true, you are deserving of my love and your love was more than good enough.
I also want to say that I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with sometimes, I had my frustrations too. But I hope you can find it in you to look past my quirks and imperfections, and forgive me. I am only human after all.
It's also important to me that you know that I don't hate you. Admittedly, I do have my moments of anger over the break up, but I absolutely do not hate you. And it's also important to me that you know that I don't regret anything. I'm glad that I met you and I'm blessed to have gotten the chance to know you on a deeper level. I don't hate you and I don't regret

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