Genetic Engineering Persuasive Speech

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Genetic engineering is when the genetic code of an organism is altered to produce a desired trait, this is done by taking a gene from one and inserting it into the DNA of another to get the wanted end result. Any trait you can think of is coded by DNA, now once you know what codes for what you can use genetic engineering to essentially edit the parts you want to some extent. All living things use the same genetic code, DNA, made from the same four bases. Scientists can use special enzymes to cut parts from the DNA from one living thing and to the DNA of the target result is then a living thing that has a new gene and a new feature. Now genetic engineering can change how we live and what we perceive as normal forever. Some people agree and disagree …show more content…

Another reason I agree is because we are going to be capable of designing baby and new animals. You might be thinking what's good about that is that some parents can have children and this would be a good opportunity for them. If I'm correct genetics engineering can make the world a better place, but we some of us are still not sure if they agree. The reason that at the same time I don't agree is that what if this gets out of control, what I mean with that is what happens if we focus on just designing babies. There won't be a lot of humans alive, or if we do something wrong with genetics engineering cause there is a lot of bad people out there and if the process get known on how to design living things something can get out of control. There are some bad and good things about genetic engineering but I'm on both sides. Now if genetic engineering is allowed when will this all stop, or will it just keep on going. At this moment we can't tell if genetics will stop at some moment and say that they have done enough things to make the world a better place. At this moment is genetic engineering making the world a better …show more content…

Now in the other hand genetically engineered crops can potentially cause environmental problems that result directly from the engineered traits. For instance, an engineering gene may cause a genetic engineering crop to become invasive or toxic to our world. Scientists are creating creatures that don't even exist in the natural world. Let's just pretend that some scientist are designing or creating a new rice and something goes wrong, now soon the rice crop is going around the country taking over other peoples rice patty and before they now ninety percent of people already have the rice crop scientist have designed or created. If the rice was to have a disease then now all the rice capable of getting that disease. Another danger that can us humans get killed by genetic engineering is that scientist can make a crop and later on when its been pronounced a lot of people are dying because it had something that our immune system can't fight. There aren't many examples with bad consequences of genetic engineering but most people still don't agree. Scientist can save a lot of lives if they just focus on cures for disease like

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