Christian Ethics And Genetic Engineering Essay

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Genetic Engineering or modification is the act of changing the cellular makeup of an organism’s genes using extensive biotechnology
The genetic makeup of cells is manipulated to change the genetic makeup of DNA through a variety of methods
DNA may either be manipulated by changing a region, removing an entire region or introducing a completely new gene group into the organism’s DNA

How Does it work
• DNA is extracted from the desired host in a controlled lab environment
• A sample of the gene which will be genetically modified is taken and inserted into the hosts DNA simply
• A reaction will take place and the cells divide 1000s of times and begins to introduce itself into the cell body which is being modified

Moral issues
• Many issues arise from the introduction and …show more content…

Temperance also directly related to self-control is the aspect of changing and tampering with that of Gods creation, one which directly related to the aspects of Genetic

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