Generalized Anxiety Disorder Research Papers

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Anxiety disorders are collectively the most common mental disorder affecting children and adults. Roughly 40 million American adults over the age of 18 suffer with at least one form of anxiety. These disorders tend to run in families and have a biological basis, but may develop due to brain chemistry, personality, or life events. Despite being highly treatable issues, only one-third of adults receive treatment. The commonly used term “anxiety disorders” exemplifies generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder and panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, selective mutism, separation anxiety, and specific phobias. (“Understanding the Facts”) Generalized anxiety disorder develops slowly over time, typically starting in teens …show more content…

It is still uncertain how this disorder is caused, but it tends to appear during the teen years or early adulthood. There seems to be a connection between panic disorder and significant life events. If another family member suffered, relatives are at an increased risk of suffering. Immediate dangers associated with panic disorders are phobias, a person may avoid a place with all their power with the thought that it will prevent another attack from happening. This is labeled as “situational avoidance.” People who suffer from panic disorder have a greater risk of attempting suicide, spend more time in emergency rooms, spend less time on what they typically enjoy, are financially dependent on others, are afraid of driving away from home, and they report feeling less healthy than others who don't suffer. (“Answers to Your Questions About Panic Disorder”) People often don't know that their disorder is highly treatable and treatments include therapy and medication, often used hand in hand. Specialized therapists will individualize treatments for each patient. They are afraid telling anyone, including their doctor, due to a fear of being seen as a hypochondriac. This often occurs in accompany with other anxiety disorders, depression, medical complications, and substance abuse. (“Panic Disorder &

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